class engine_script::EngineScript


class EngineScript {
    // methods

    None __init__(self self);
    None initialize(self self);
    None runLoop(self self, int timestep_ns);
    None shutdown(self self);
    None reset(self self);

Detailed Documentation


None __init__(self self)
None initialize(self self)
Initializes the simulation.

This function should be overwritten by the derived class and
should contain all steps necessary to initialize the simulation.
None runLoop(self self, int timestep_ns)
Runs a single step of the simulation.

This function should be overwritten by the derived class and
should contain all steps necessary to advance the simulation
by the specified time.
None shutdown(self self)
Shutdowns the simulation.

This function should be overwritten by the derived class and
should contain all steps necessary to clearly shutdown the simulation.
None reset(self self)
Resets the simulation.

This function should be overwritten by the derived class and
should contain all steps necessary to reset the simulation.