class FunctionalNodeFactory


Creates an instance of FunctionalNode with the right template given a function signature. More…

#include <functional_node_factory.h>

class FunctionalNodeFactory {
    // methods

    template <size_t in_n, size_t out_n, typename... args>
    static auto create(
        const std::string& id,
        std::function<bool(args...)> f,
        FunctionalNodePolicies::ExecutionPolicy policy = FunctionalNodePolicies::ExecutionPolicy::ON_NEW_INPUT

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Creates an instance of FunctionalNode with the right template given a function signature.

It hides all the complexity related with specifying correctly FunctionalNode template and performs function signature checking ensuring that the instantiated FunctionalNode is correct


template <size_t in_n, size_t out_n, typename... args>
static auto create(
    const std::string& id,
    std::function<bool(args...)> f,
    FunctionalNodePolicies::ExecutionPolicy policy = FunctionalNodePolicies::ExecutionPolicy::ON_NEW_INPUT

Instantiates a FunctionalNode.

It takes as template parameters the number of inputs ‘in_n’ and outputs ‘out_n’ and a parameter pack containing the function arguments