Global Namespace


// namespaces

namespace BulletLib;
namespace ConvertLib;
namespace FunctionalNodePolicies;
namespace InputNodePolicies;
namespace MujocoLib;
namespace NGraph;
namespace NRPThreads;
namespace NrpCoresProcess;
namespace OpenAIGymLib;
namespace OpensimLib;
namespace OutputNodePolicies;
namespace SimManager;
namespace Trainer;
namespace async_pysim_engine;
namespace async_python_grpc_engine;
namespace async_python_json_engine;
namespace boost;
namespace brain_devices;
namespace engine_script;
namespace gazebo;
namespace grpc_engine_script;
namespace grpc_server_callbacks;
namespace json_converter;
namespace json_event_loop_engine;
namespace json_utils;
namespace nlohmann;
namespace numpy_json_serializer;
namespace proto_field_ops;
namespace protobuf_event_loop_engine;
namespace protobuf_ops;
namespace python;
namespace python_grpc_engine;
namespace python_json_engine;
namespace server_callbacks;
namespace std;

// typedefs

typedef DataPackController<google::protobuf::Message> ProtoDataPackController;
typedef DataPack<nlohmann::json> JsonDataPack;
typedef RawData<nlohmann::json> JsonRawData;
typedef nlohmann::json json;
typedef void() load_factory_fcn_t;
typedef FunctionalNodeBase*(const std::string&, const std::string&, FunctionalNodePolicies::ExecutionPolicy) create_fn_fcn_t;
typedef InputEdge<T_IN, T_IN, INPUT_CLASS> SimpleInputEdge;
typedef OutputEdge<T_OUT, T_OUT, OUTPUT_CLASS> SimpleOutputEdge;
typedef GazeboEngineGrpcNRPClient::EngineLauncher<GazeboGrpcConfigConst::EngineType> GazeboEngineGrpcLauncher;
typedef GazeboEngineJSONNRPClient::EngineLauncher<GazeboJSONConfigConst::EngineType> GazeboEngineJSONLauncher;
typedef DataPackInterface::shared_ptr DataPackInterfaceSharedPtr;
typedef DataPackInterface::const_shared_ptr DataPackInterfaceConstSharedPtr;
typedef std::set<std::shared_ptr<const DataPackInterface>, DataPackPointerComparator> datapacks_set_t;
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const DataPackInterface>> datapacks_vector_t;
typedef std::set<DataPackIdentifier> datapack_identifiers_set_t;
typedef EngineClientInterface::shared_ptr EngineClientInterfaceSharedPtr;
typedef EngineClientInterface::const_shared_ptr EngineClientInterfaceConstSharedPtr;
typedef EngineLauncherInterface::shared_ptr EngineLauncherInterfaceSharedPtr;
typedef EngineLauncherInterface::const_shared_ptr EngineLauncherInterfaceConstSharedPtr;
typedef EngineLauncherManager::shared_ptr EngineLauncherManagerSharedPtr;
typedef EngineLauncherManager::const_shared_ptr EngineLauncherManagerConstSharedPtr;
typedef NRP_ENGINE_LAUNCH_FCN_T engine_launch_fcn_t;
typedef ProcessLauncherManager<ProcessLauncherBasic> MainProcessLauncherManager;
typedef MainProcessLauncherManager::shared_ptr MainProcessLauncherManagerSharedPtr;
typedef MainProcessLauncherManager::const_shared_ptr MainProcessLauncherManagerConstSharedPtr;
typedef std::shared_ptr<FunctionManager> FunctionManagerSharedPtr;
typedef std::shared_ptr<const FunctionManager> FunctionManagerConstSharedPtr;
typedef std::shared_ptr<FunctionManager> TransceiverFunctionInterpreterSharedPtr;
typedef std::shared_ptr<const FunctionManager> TransceiverFunctionInterpreterConstSharedPtr;
typedef TransceiverDataPackInterface::shared_ptr TransceiverDataPackInterfaceSharedPtr;
typedef TransceiverDataPackInterface::const_shared_ptr TransceiverDataPackInterfaceConstSharedPtr;
typedef std::shared_ptr<nlohmann::json> jsonSharedPtr;
typedef std::shared_ptr<const nlohmann::json> jsonConstSharedPtr;
typedef std::chrono::nanoseconds SimulationTime;
typedef NestEngineJSONNRPClient::EngineLauncher<NestConfigConst::EngineType> NestEngineJSONLauncher;
typedef NestEngineServerNRPClient::EngineLauncher<NestServerConfigConst::EngineType> NestEngineServerNRPClientLauncher;
typedef protobuf_ops::NRPProtobufOpsIface*() protobuf_ops_fcn_t;
typedef PySimNRPClient::EngineLauncher<PySimConfigConst::EngineType> PySimJSONLauncher;
typedef PythonEngineGRPCNRPClient::EngineLauncher<PythonGrpcConfigConst::EngineType> PythonEngineGRPCLauncher;
typedef PythonEngineJSONNRPClient::EngineLauncher<PythonConfigConst::EngineType> PythonEngineJSONLauncher;
typedef FTILoop::shared_ptr FTILoopSharedPtr;
typedef FTILoop::const_shared_ptr FTILoopConstSharedPtr;
typedef std::shared_ptr<nlohmann::json> jsonSharedPtr;

// enums

enum DataPackPassingPolicy;

// structs

struct ComputationalGraphHandle;
struct DataPackIdentifier;
struct DataPackPointerComparator;

template <class DATA>
struct DataPortHandle;

struct EngineGRPCConfigConst;
struct EngineJSONConfigConst;

template <std::size_t N>
struct FixedString;

struct FunctionData;
struct GazeboGrpcConfigConst;
struct GazeboJSONConfigConst;
struct NestConfigConst;
struct NestServerConfigConst;
struct PySimConfigConst;
struct PythonConfigConst;
struct PythonGrpcConfigConst;
struct SimulationParams;
struct ZipSourceWrapper;
struct ZipWrapper;

template <class T_IN>
struct dataConverter<T_IN, bpy::object>;

template <class T_IN, class T_OUT>
struct dataConverter;

template <class T_OUT>
struct dataConverter<bpy::object, T_OUT>;

template <typename T>
struct function_traits;

template <typename R, typename ... Args>
struct function_traits<std::function<R(Args...)>>;

template <size_t, typename, typename, size_t>
struct sub_tuple;

template <std::size_t IDX, typename... Tpack, typename Tuple>
struct sub_tuple<IDX, std::tuple<Tpack...>, Tuple, IDX>;

template <size_t IDX1, typename... Tpack, typename Tuple, size_t IDX2>
struct sub_tuple<IDX1, std::tuple<Tpack...>, Tuple, IDX2>;

template <typename T>
struct tuple_array<T, 0>;

template <typename T, size_t N>
struct tuple_array;

// classes

class BasicFork;
class CommControllerSingleton;
class ComputationalGraph;
class ComputationalGraphManager;
class ComputationalNode;
class CreateDataPackClass;

template <class MSG_TYPE>
class DPInputMQTTEdge;

template <class MSG_TYPE>
class DPInputMQTTNode;

template <class MSG_TYPE>
class DPOutputMQTTEdge;

template <class MSG_TYPE>
class DPOutputMQTTNode;

template <class DATA_TYPE>
class DataPack;

template <class DATA_TYPE>
class DataPackController;

class DataPackInterface;
class DataPackProcessor;
class DockerLauncher;
class ELEOptsParser;
class EmptyLaunchCommand;

template <class ENGINE, const char* SCHEMA>
class EngineClient;

class EngineClientInterface;
class EngineDataPack;
class EngineDataPacks;
class EngineGRPCOptsParser;

template <class ENGINE, const char* SCHEMA>
class EngineGrpcClient;

class EngineGrpcServer;

template <class ENGINE, const char* SCHEMA>
class EngineJSONNRPClient;

class EngineJSONOptsParser;
class EngineJSONRegistrationServer;
class EngineJSONServer;
class EngineLauncherInterface;
class EngineLauncherManager;
class EnginePluginManager;
class EngineProtoWrapper;
class EventLoop;
class EventLoopEngine;
class EventLoopInterface;
class EventLoopSimManager;
class F2FEdge;
class FTILoop;
class FTILoopSimManager;
class FileFinder;
class FunctionManager;

template <typename... INPUT_TYPES, typename... OUTPUT_TYPES>
class FunctionalNode<std::tuple<INPUT_TYPES...>, std::tuple<OUTPUT_TYPES...>>;

template <typename, typename>
class FunctionalNode;

class FunctionalNodeBase;
class FunctionalNodeFactory;
class FunctionalNodeFactoryManager;
class GazeboEngineGrpcNRPClient;
class GazeboEngineJSONNRPClient;
class GazeboStepController;
class InputClockEdge;
class InputClockNode;
class InputDummy;
class InputDummyEdge;

template <class T_IN, class T_OUT, INPUT_C<T_IN> INPUT_CLASS>
class InputEdge;

class InputEngineEdge;
class InputEngineNode;
class InputIterationEdge;
class InputIterationNode;

template <class MSG_TYPE>
class InputMQTTEdge;

template <class MSG_TYPE>
class InputMQTTNode;

template <class DATA>
class InputNode;

template <class T_IN, class T_OUT>
class InputPort;

template <class MSG_TYPE>
class InputROSEdge;

template <class MSG_TYPE>
class InputROSNode;

class InputSpinnakerEdge;
class InputSpinnakerNode;
class InputTimeBaseNode;
class JsonDataPackController;

template <const char* LAUNCH_COMMAND>
class LaunchCommand;

class LaunchCommandInterface;
class MQTTCallback;
class NRPException;
class NRPExceptionNonRecoverable;
class NRPExceptionRecoverable;
class NRPGazeboCommunicationController;
class NRPJSONCommunicationController;
class NRPLogger;
class NRPMQTTClient;
class NRPMQTTProxy;
class NRPROSProxy;
class NRPSpinnakerProxy;
class NestEngineJSONDataPackController;
class NestEngineJSONNRPClient;
class NestEngineServerNRPClient;
class NestJSONServer;
class NestKernelDataPackController;
class NrpCoreServer;
class OutputDummy;
class OutputDummyEdge;

template <class T_IN, class T_OUT, OUTPUT_C<T_OUT> OUTPUT_CLASS>
class OutputEdge;

class OutputEngineEdge;
class OutputEngineNode;

template <class MSG_TYPE>
class OutputMQTTEdge;

template <class MSG_TYPE>
class OutputMQTTNode;

template <class DATA>
class OutputNode;

template <class T>
class OutputPort;

template <class MSG_TYPE>
class OutputROSEdge;

template <class MSG_TYPE>
class OutputROSNode;

class OutputSpinnakerEdge;
class OutputSpinnakerNode;
class PipeCommunication;
class PluginManager;
class Port;
class PreprocessedDataPack;
class PreprocessingFunction;

template <
    const char* LAUNCHER_TYPE,
class ProcessLauncher;

class ProcessLauncherBasic;
class ProcessLauncherInterface;

template <class ... PROCESS_LAUNCHERS>
class ProcessLauncherManager;

class ProtoOpsManager;

template <class T>
class PtrTemplates;

class PySimNRPClient;
class PythonEngineGRPCNRPClient;
class PythonEngineJSONNRPClient;

template <class ENGINE, const char* SCHEMA>
class PythonEngineJSONNRPClientBase;

class PythonFunctionalNode;
class PythonGILLock;
class PythonInterpreterState;

template <class DATA_TYPE>
class RawData;

class RepeatedScalarFieldIterProxy;
class RepeatedScalarFieldProxy;
class RestClientSetup;
class SimulationDataManager;
class SimulationIterationDecorator;
class SimulationManager;
class SimulationTimeDecorator;
class SpiNNakerJsonReceiveCallbackInterface;
class StatusFunction;
class TFManagerHandle;
class TransceiverDataPackInterface;
class TransceiverFunction;
class WCharTConverter;
class ZipContainer;
class node_policies_ns;

template <class MSG_TYPE, class ... FIELD_MSG_TYPES>
class proto_python_bindings;

// global variables

const int QOS = 1;
const auto TIMEOUT = std::chrono::seconds(10);
concept INPUT_C = std::is_base_of_v<InputNode<T_IN>, T>;
concept OUTPUT_C = std::is_base_of_v<OutputNode<T_OUT>, T>;
const char LAUNCH_COMMAND[] = "BasicFork";
const char LAUNCH_DOCKER_COMMAND[] = "DockerLauncher";
const char EmptyLaunchC[] = "EmptyLaunchCommand";
const char Basic[] = "Basic";
static CreateDataPackClass* pCreateDataPack = nullptr;
static CreateDataPackClass* pCreateDataPack = nullptr;

// global functions

template <class T>
bool operator == (
    const std::set<T>& A,
    const std::set<T>& B

template <class T>
std::set<T> operator * (
    const std::set<T>& A,
    const std::set<T>& B

template <class T>
std::set<T>& operator += (
    std::set<T>& A,
    const std::set<T>& B

template <class T>
std::set<T>& operator -= (
    std::set<T>& A,
    const std::set<T>& B

template <class T>
std::set<T> operator + (
    const std::set<T>& A,
    const std::set<T>& B

template <class T>
std::set<T> operator - (
    const std::set<T>& A,
    const std::set<T>& B

template <class T>
std::set<T> symm_diff(
    const std::set<T>& A,
    const std::set<T>& B

template <class T, class constT>
bool includes_elm(
    const std::set<T>& A,
    constT& a

template <class T>
int intersection_size(
    const std::set<T>& A,
    const std::set<T>& B

template <class T>
int big_small_intersection_size(
    const std::set<T>& A,
    const std::set<T>& B

template <class T>
int union_size(const std::set<T>& A, const std::set<T>& B);

template <class T>
int set_difference_size(
    const std::set<T>& A,
    const std::set<T>& B

void createPythonGraphFromConfig(
    const nlohmann::json& config,
    const ComputationalGraph::ExecMode& execMode,
    const boost::python::dict& globalDict

std::pair<InputClockNode*, InputIterationNode*> findTimeNodes();

std::shared_ptr<DataPackIdentifier> genDevID(
    const std::string& name,
    const std::string& engineName

std::shared_ptr<DataPackInterface> genDevInterface(
    const std::string& name,
    const std::string& engineName


boost::python::object createFNFromFactoryModule(
    const std::string& fnModuleName,
    const std::string& functionName,
    const std::string& nodeName,
    FunctionalNodePolicies::ExecutionPolicy policy

static PyObject* setPythonError(PyObject* type, const std::string& message);

static PyObject* getItemFromJsonArray(
    const nlohmann::json& jsonParent,
    PyObject* index

static PyObject* getItemFromJsonObject(
    const nlohmann::json& jsonParent,
    PyObject* index

static PyObject* nlohmannJsonGetItem(
    const nlohmann::json& jsonParent,
    PyObject* index

static void nlohmannJsonSetItem(
    nlohmann::json* jsonParent,
    PyObject* index,
    PyObject* value

static PyObject* nlohmannJsonDump(const nlohmann::json& json);
static PyObject* nlohmannJsonSize(const nlohmann::json& json);
static PyObject* nlohmannJsonType(const nlohmann::json& json);
static PyObject* nlohmannJsonKeys(const nlohmann::json& json);
static void nlohmannJsonAppend(nlohmann::json* jsonParent, PyObject* value);
std::string parseAndValidateEngineConfig(const std::string& configFile);
std::string parseAndValidateEngineConfig(const std::string& configFile);

template <std::size_t N>
FixedString(const char(&) str[N]);

template <std::size_t N>
FixedString(const FixedString<N>& str);


template <class T>
FixedString(T str);

std::string handle_pyerror();
std::string handle_pyerror();
void setup_venv();
SimulationTime toSimulationTimeFromSeconds(double time);

double getRoundedRunTimeMs(
    const SimulationTime runTime,
    const float simulationResolutionMs

std::string getTimestamp();

template <class vartype, class ratio>
static SimulationTime toSimulationTime(vartype time);

SimulationTime toSimulationTimeFromSeconds(double time);

template <class vartype, class ratio>
static vartype fromSimulationTime(SimulationTime time);

double getRoundedRunTimeMs(
    const SimulationTime runTime,
    const float simulationResolutionMs

std::string getTimestamp();
int bindOrFindFreePort(std::string hostIpv4, int port = 0);
void bindToAddress(std::string hostIpv4, int port);
int getFreePort(std::string hostIpv4);
void appendPythonPath(const std::string& path);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]);

static void loadPlugins(
    const char* libName,
    EnginePluginManager& pluginManager,
    const EngineLauncherManagerSharedPtr& engines,
    const std::set<std::string>& engineTypes

static void loadEngines(
    EnginePluginManager& pluginManager,
    EngineLauncherManagerSharedPtr& engines,
    std::vector<std::string> pluginsList,
    const std::set<std::string>& engineTypes

static int processLogOutputOption(
    const std::string& logOutput,
    std::string logFilename,
    std::string logDir

int main(int argc, char* argv[]);
python::object CreateDataPack(python::tuple args, python::dict kwargs);
void RegisterDataPack(python::str devName, python::object nodeCollection);
python::dict GetDevMap();
python::object CreateDataPack(python::tuple args, python::dict kwargs);
void RegisterDataPack(python::str devName, python::object nodeCollection);
python::dict GetDevMap();

Py_ssize_t ExtractIndices(
    PyObject* indices,
    Py_ssize_t& from,
    Py_ssize_t& to,
    Py_ssize_t& step,
    Py_ssize_t length

Py_ssize_t ExtractIndices(
    PyObject* indices,
    Py_ssize_t& from,
    Py_ssize_t& to,
    Py_ssize_t& step,
    Py_ssize_t length

static void resetIsUpdateFlags(datapacks_set_t& dataPacks);

static void updateDataPackPool(
    datapacks_vector_t dataPacks,
    datapacks_set_t& pool

static DataPackProcessor* makeHandleFromConfig(
    jsonSharedPtr config,
    SimulationDataManager* simulationDataManager

static void runLoopStepAsyncGet(EngineClientInterfaceSharedPtr engine);

// macros

#define CREATE_NRP_ENGINE_LAUNCHER(engine_launcher_name)
#define CREATE_PROTOBUF_OPS(proto_ops_class)
#define MQTT_BASE
#define NRP_LOGGER_TRACE(...)
#define VOLTAGE_INT_TO_S1615
#define use(x)

Detailed Documentation


typedef ProcessLauncherManager<ProcessLauncherBasic> MainProcessLauncherManager

Type to manage all available process launchers.

Global Variables

const char EmptyLaunchC[] = "EmptyLaunchCommand"

Empty Launch Command. A “dummy” launcher that doesn’t launch a process. Useful in the cases when the EngineServer is not intended to be launched by the corresponding EngineClient.

const char Basic[] = "Basic"

Basic Process Launcher, for simple process management.

Global Functions

template <class T>
std::set<T> operator + (
    const std::set<T>& A,
    const std::set<T>& B


a new set, the union of A and B.

template <class T>
std::set<T> operator - (
    const std::set<T>& A,
    const std::set<T>& B


the A - B: elements in A but not in B.

template <class T>
std::set<T> symm_diff(
    const std::set<T>& A,
    const std::set<T>& B


a new (possibly empty) set, the symmetric difference of A and B. That is, elements in only one set, but not the other. Mathematically, this is A+B - (A*B)

template <class T, class constT>
bool includes_elm(
    const std::set<T>& A,
    constT& a


true, if element a is in set A

boost::python::object createFNFromFactoryModule(
    const std::string& fnModuleName,
    const std::string& functionName,
    const std::string& nodeName,
    FunctionalNodePolicies::ExecutionPolicy policy

Helper function for instantiating a C++ Functional Node from Python.



name of the module library which will be used to instantiate the node


name of the C++ function which the node will run


name of the FN


exec policy of the FN


instantiated FN wrapped in a Python object

static PyObject* setPythonError(PyObject* type, const std::string& message)

Generates python error with given type and message.



Type of exception


Message of the exception


Py_None object

static PyObject* getItemFromJsonArray(
    const nlohmann::json& jsonParent,
    PyObject* index

Returns element stored in json array under given index.



The object of which the method was invoked


Index to be accessed


Object stored under given index

static PyObject* getItemFromJsonObject(
    const nlohmann::json& jsonParent,
    PyObject* index

Returns element stored in json object under given key.



The object of which the method was invoked


Key to be accessed


Object stored under given key

static PyObject* nlohmannJsonGetItem(
    const nlohmann::json& jsonParent,
    PyObject* index

Implements python getitem method of nlohmann::json.

The function is part of the python interface for nlohmann::json. It allows to access nlohmann::json objects using ‘object[index]’ notation. Both json arrays and objects cannot be accessed this way.



The object of which the method was invoked


Index (in case of arrays) or key (in case of objects) to be accessed


Object stored under given key or index

static void nlohmannJsonSetItem(
    nlohmann::json* jsonParent,
    PyObject* index,
    PyObject* value

Implements python setitem method of nlohmann::json.

The function is part of the python interface for nlohmann::json. It allows to modify nlohmann::json objects using ‘object[key] = value’ notation. Json arrays cannot be modified this way.



The object of which the method was invoked


Key to be modified or created


Value to be inserted under the key

static PyObject* nlohmannJsonDump(const nlohmann::json& json)

Implements python str method of nlohmann::json.

The function is part of the python interface for nlohmann::json.



The object of which the method was invoked


String representation of the object

static PyObject* nlohmannJsonSize(const nlohmann::json& json)

Implements python len method of nlohmann::json.

The function is part of the python interface for nlohmann::json.



The object of which the method was invoked


Length of the object as long int

static PyObject* nlohmannJsonType(const nlohmann::json& json)

Returns the type of a json object as a string.



The object of which the method was invoked


json type of the object

static PyObject* nlohmannJsonKeys(const nlohmann::json& json)

Implements python keys method of nlohmann::json.

The function is part of the python interface for nlohmann::json.



The object of which the method was invoked


List of keys in case of json object, list of indices as strings in case of json array

std::string parseAndValidateEngineConfig(const std::string& configFile)

Helper function for instantiating a PythonEngineJSONNRPClient to validate a PythonEngine Engine configuration.



engine configuration to be processed


validated config

std::string parseAndValidateEngineConfig(const std::string& configFile)

Helper function for instantiating a PythonEngineGRPCNRPClient to validate a PythonEngineGRPC Engine configuration.



engine configuration to be processed


validated config

std::string handle_pyerror()

Read out a properly formatted Python exception string. Only call if a Python exception was thrown.


Returns human-readable error string

std::string handle_pyerror()

Read out a properly formatted Python exception string. Only call if a Python exception was thrown.


Returns human-readable error string

SimulationTime toSimulationTimeFromSeconds(double time)

Converts floating-point seconds into SimulationTime.



The value to be converted


SimulationTime object that corresponds to the argument

double getRoundedRunTimeMs(
    const SimulationTime runTime,
    const float simulationResolutionMs

Calculates simulation run time rounded to milliseconds, accounting for given resolution.



Simulation run time that will be rounded


Simulation resolution in milliseconds


When simulation run time is smaller than simulation resolution


Rounded simulation run time

std::string getTimestamp()

returns the current local time as a string in the format: YYMMDD-hhmmss-pid, being pid the pid of the calling process

template <class vartype, class ratio>
static SimulationTime toSimulationTime(vartype time)

Converts given value to SimulationTime object.

The function is parametrized with two parameters: vartype and ratio. Vartype is the type of variable that is supposed to be converted to SimulationTime. Usually this will be int or float. Ratio is std::ratio class.

SimulationTime toSimulationTimeFromSeconds(double time)

Converts floating-point seconds into SimulationTime.



The value to be converted


SimulationTime object that corresponds to the argument

template <class vartype, class ratio>
static vartype fromSimulationTime(SimulationTime time)

Converts SimulationTime object to specified type and with given ratio.

double getRoundedRunTimeMs(
    const SimulationTime runTime,
    const float simulationResolutionMs

Calculates simulation run time rounded to milliseconds, accounting for given resolution.



Simulation run time that will be rounded


Simulation resolution in milliseconds


When simulation run time is smaller than simulation resolution


Rounded simulation run time

std::string getTimestamp()

returns the current local time as a string in the format: YYMMDD-hhmmss-pid, being pid the pid of the calling process

int bindOrFindFreePort(std::string hostIpv4, int port = 0)

Attempts to bind to a given address.

When “port” is 0, the function asks the OS to look for a free port number. Throws an exception if the connection is not successful



IP4 address of the host


Port to connect to, if 0 a free port is searched and used


Port used in the connection, same as “port” argument or found free port

void bindToAddress(std::string hostIpv4, int port)

Attempts to bind to a given address.

Throws an exception if the connection is not successful



IP4 address of the host


Port to connect to

int getFreePort(std::string hostIpv4)

Returns a free port number.

Asks the OS to look for a free port number



IP4 address of the host


Free port number

void appendPythonPath(const std::string& path)

Appends ‘path’ to PYTHON_PATH env variable.

Py_ssize_t ExtractIndices(
    PyObject* indices,
    Py_ssize_t& from,
    Py_ssize_t& to,
    Py_ssize_t& step,
    Py_ssize_t length

Function which processes an index or slice object and sets from, to and step appropriately.

Returns the size of the described range, -1 if ‘indices’ is not a valid slice

Py_ssize_t ExtractIndices(
    PyObject* indices,
    Py_ssize_t& from,
    Py_ssize_t& to,
    Py_ssize_t& step,
    Py_ssize_t length

Function which processes an index or slice object and sets from, to and step appropriately.

Returns the size of the described range, -1 if ‘indices’ is not a valid slice


#define CREATE_NRP_ENGINE_LAUNCHER(engine_launcher_name)

Create a new engine launcher. Will be used to load a launcher out of a dynamically loaded library.

#define CREATE_PROTOBUF_OPS(proto_ops_class)

Create a Protobuf operations object.


Suppresses numpy warnings about deprecated API.

#define NRP_LOGGER_TRACE(...)

trace log macro. It is voided by defining PRODUCTION_RELEASE