template class NGraph::tGraph


#include <ngraph.hpp>

template <typename T>
class tGraph {
    // typedefs

    typedef T vertex;
    typedef T value_type;
    typedef std::pair<vertex, vertex> edge;
    typedef std::set<vertex> vertex_set;
    typedef std::set<edge> edge_set;
    typedef std::pair<vertex_set, vertex_set> in_out_edge_sets;
    typedef std::map<vertex, in_out_edge_sets> adj_graph;
    typedef edge_set::iterator edge_iterator;
    typedef edge_set::const_iterator const_edge_iterator;
    typedef vertex_set::iterator vertex_iterator;
    typedef vertex_set::const_iterator const_vertex_iterator;
    typedef vertex_set::iterator vertex_neighbor_iterator;
    typedef vertex_set::const_iterator vertex_neighbor_const_iterator;
    typedef adj_graph::iterator iterator;
    typedef adj_graph::const_iterator const_iterator;
    typedef iterator node_iterator;
    typedef const_iterator const_node_iterator;

    // enums

    enum line_type;

    // construction

    tGraph(std::istream& s);
    tGraph(const tGraph& B);
    tGraph(const edge_set& E);

    // methods

    unsigned int num_vertices() const;
    unsigned int num_nodes() const;
    unsigned int num_edges() const;
    iterator begin();
    const_iterator begin() const;
    iterator end();
    const_iterator end() const;
    void clear();
    vertex_neighbor_iterator out_neighbors_begin(const vertex& a);
    vertex_neighbor_const_iterator out_neighbors_begin(const vertex& a) const;
    vertex_neighbor_iterator out_neighbors_end(const vertex& a);
    vertex_neighbor_const_iterator out_neighbors_end(const vertex& a) const;
    bool is_undirected() const;
    bool is_directed() const;
    void set_undirected();
    iterator find(const vertex& a);
    const_iterator find(const vertex& a) const;
    const vertex_set& in_neighbors(const vertex& a) const;
    vertex_set& in_neighbors(const vertex& a);
    const vertex_set& out_neighbors(const vertex& a) const;
    vertex_set& out_neighbors(const vertex& a);
    unsigned int in_degree(const vertex& a) const;
    unsigned int out_degree(const vertex& a) const;
    unsigned int degree(const vertex& a) const;
    bool isolated(const vertex& a) const;
    void insert_vertex(const vertex& a);

    void insert_new_vertex_inout_list(
        const vertex& a,
        const vertex_set& IN,
        const vertex_set& OUT

    void insert_edge_noloop(iterator pa, iterator pb);
    void insert_edge(iterator pa, iterator pb);
    void insert_edge_noloop(const vertex& a, const vertex& b);
    void insert_edge(const vertex& a, const vertex& b);
    void insert_undirected_edge(const vertex& a, const vertex& b);
    void insert_edge(const edge& E);
    void insert_undirected_edge(const edge& E);
    bool remove_edge(iterator pa, iterator pb);
    void remove_edge(const vertex& a, const vertex& b);
    void remove_edge(const edge& E);
    void remove_undirected_edge(const vertex& a, const vertex& b);
    void remove_undirected_edge(const edge& e);
    void remove_vertex(iterator pa);
    void remove_vertex_set(const vertex_set& V);
    void remove_vertex(const vertex& a);
    bool includes_vertex(const vertex& a) const;
    bool includes_edge(const vertex& a, const vertex& b) const;
    bool includes_edge(const edge& e) const;
    std::vector<edge> edge_list() const;
    tGraph& plus_eq(const tGraph& B);
    tGraph intersect(const tGraph& B) const;
    tGraph operator * (const tGraph& B) const;
    tGraph minus(const tGraph& B) const;
    tGraph operator - (const tGraph& B) const;
    tGraph plus(const tGraph& B) const;
    tGraph operator + (const tGraph& B) const;
    tGraph& operator += (const tGraph& B);
    tGraph subgraph(const vertex_set& A) const;
    unsigned int subgraph_size(const vertex_set& A) const;
    double subgraph_sparsity(const vertex_set& A) const;
    void print() const;
    void absorb(iterator pa, iterator pb);
    iterator smart_absorb(iterator pa, iterator pb);
    vertex smart_absorb(vertex a, vertex b);
    void absorb(vertex a, vertex b);
    static const vertex& node(const_iterator p);
    static const vertex& node(iterator p);
    static const vertex& node(const_vertex_iterator p);
    static const vertex_set& in_neighbors(const_iterator p);
    static vertex_set& in_neighbors(iterator p);
    static const_vertex_iterator in_begin(const_iterator p);
    static const_vertex_iterator in_end(const_iterator p);
    static const vertex_set& out_neighbors(const_iterator p);
    static const_vertex_iterator out_begin(const_iterator p);
    static const_vertex_iterator out_end(const_iterator p);
    static vertex_set& out_neighbors(iterator p);
    static vertex_iterator out_begin(iterator p);
    static unsigned int num_edges(const_iterator p);
    static unsigned int num_edges(iterator p);
    static unsigned int out_degree(const_iterator p);
    static unsigned int out_degree(iterator p);
    static unsigned int in_degree(const_iterator p);
    static unsigned int in_degree(iterator p);
    static unsigned int degree(const_iterator p);
    static unsigned int degree(iterator p);
    static bool isolated(const_iterator p);
    static bool isolated(iterator p);

    static std::istream& read_line(
        std::istream& s,
        T& v1,
        T& v2,
        std::string& line,
        line_type& t

// direct descendants

class ComputationalGraph;

Detailed Documentation


typedef adj_graph::iterator iterator
tGraph::iterator refers to pair<const vertex, in_out_edge_sets> .
:ref:`tGraph::const_iterator <doxid-class_n_graph_1_1t_graph_1a64864813622245ff9412c784232f2f99>` p = G.begin();
:ref:`tGraph::vertex <doxid-class_n_graph_1_1t_graph_1a63a04bf8bfc7cf968be524208f49fdee>` a = node(p);
:ref:`tGraph::vertex_set <doxid-class_n_graph_1_1t_graph_1a9e0a5df1ac9a2e6df94431aeaf610b3e>`  &in_edges = in_neighbors(p);
:ref:`tGraph::vertex_set <doxid-class_n_graph_1_1t_graph_1a9e0a5df1ac9a2e6df94431aeaf610b3e>`  &out_edges = out_neighbors(p);


bool includes_vertex(const vertex& a) const

Is vertex ‘a’ included in graph?


true, if vertex a is present; false, otherwise.

bool includes_edge(const vertex& a, const vertex& b) const

Is edge (a,b) included in graph?


true, if edge is present; false, otherwise.

std::vector<edge> edge_list() const

Create a new representation of graph as a list of vertex pairs (a,b).


std::vector<edge> a vector (list) of vertex pairs

tGraph subgraph(const vertex_set& A) const



vertex set of nodes (subset of G)


a new subgraph containing all nodes of A

void absorb(iterator pa, iterator pb)

abosrb(a,b): ‘a’ absorbs ‘b’, b gets removed from graph

iterator smart_absorb(iterator pa, iterator pb)

c smart_abosrb(a,b): ‘a’ absorbs ‘b’, or b aborbs a, depending on whichever causes the least amount of graph updates

static const vertex& node(const_iterator p)




static unsigned int out_degree(const_iterator p)





number of edges going out (out-degree) at node pointed to by p.

static unsigned int in_degree(const_iterator p)





number of edges going out (out-degree) at node pointed to by p.