hbp_nrp_cle.brainsim.nengo.NengoInfo module

This module contains a base class how Nengo populations are handled

class NengoPopulationInfo(population, name, parameters)[source]

Bases: hbp_nrp_cle.brainsim.BrainInterface.PopulationInfo

The Nengo implementation of populations

property celltype

Gets the celltype of the population

property gids

Dummy implementation as Nengo does use GIDS


Array of consecutive ids with a size equal to the number of neurons, starting with id 0.

property indices

Dummy implementation as Nengo does use Indices


Array of consecutive ids with a size equal to the number of neurons, starting with id 0.

property name

Gets the population name

property parameters

Gets the parameters of a the population as dict

property population

Gets the population itself

create_view(population, sl)[source]

Creates a view of the given population

  • population – The base population

  • sl – The slice of the population that represents the view


Determines whether the given object is a population


population – The object that may be a population