hbp_nrp_cle.brainsim package¶
The package contains the Brain adapter implementations of the Brain-to-Robot interface. The CommunicationAdapter serves as communicator between the transfer functions and the simulation back-end. The ControlAdapter regulates the control of the CommunicationAdapter. The folder “__devices” contains implementations of basic device types, which are connected to desired neurons during the simulation and whose input/output is the output/input from/to the transfer functions.
Device types¶
The devices which translate the sensory output of a robot to neuronal signals are either spike generators or current generators: * IPoissonSpikeGenerator: generates spikes whose distances are sampled from a Poisson distribution * IFixedSpikeGenerator: generates equidistant spikes at a given frequency * IDCSource: generates a direct current * IACSource: generates an alternating current * INCSource: generates a noisy current
Devices, which produce neuronal signals to action signals of a robot are either leaky integrate-and-fire neurons without threshold potential (-> leaky integrators) or (temporary for reasons of testing) spike detectors
- ILeakyIntegratorExp: implementation of a leaky integrate-and-fire (IF) neuron with
current-based synapses and decaying-exponential post-synaptic currents
- ILeakyIntegratorAlpha: implementation of a leaky integrate-and-fire (IF) neuron with
current-based synapses and alpha-shaped (= difference of exponentials) post-synaptic currents
- ISpikeRecorder: detects whether one of the connected neurons has spiked in the last time
step and in that case returns a “1”, otherwise “0”
IPopulationRate: measured the firing rate of the connected neuronal population
The devices can be configured in the same way as NEST devices, any additional configuration parameters are directly forwarded to the created NEST devices.