Using C++ Pre-compiled Functional Nodes in the Computational Graph¶
This page describes how to use the script to generate so called FunctionalNode Factory Modules (.so libraries), which can be afterwards used to add Functional Nodes to a Computational Graph. This option will be more performant that the alternative explained here of Functional Nodes which internally run a Python function.
The script takes as input a header file containing a list of function prototypes. The definitions of those functions can be either contained in the same header file or in a separate source file which must be passed to the script too.
The output of the script is a library which can be used to instantiate Functional Nodes which run any of the functions declared in the input header file, as explained in a section below.
Valid Function Signature¶
The signature of the function prototypes in the header file passed as argument to must attain to certain rules in order to be considered valid, i.e. in order to be runable by a Functional Node. All the function prototypes present in this header file must fulfill these rules, otherwise the execution of ends with an error.
These rules are:
The function return value must be always bool
All function parameters must be named
The list of function parameters must be composed of 0 or more parameters of the form const T*, with T being any unqualified or qualified type, which may be different for each parameter, followed by 0 or more parameters of the form T&. The former will become the inputs to the Functional Node and the latter its outputs.
As an example, the prototype below has a valid signature:
bool my_function(const int* i1, int& o1);
After compiling a FunctionalNode Factory module from a header file containing the function above, Functional nodes can be instantiated from it. The Functional Node will have one input port of type <int,int> and id i1 (see here for more information about ports), and one output port of type <int> and id o1.
Belown are listed a few invalid prototypes and the error messages that would produce when trying to compile them with
Unnamed parameters:
bool my_function(const int*, int& o1);
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_parameter' what(): Can't process function: "my_function". All function parameters must be named
Wrong return type:
void my_function(const int* i1, int& o1);
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_parameter' what(): Can't process function: "my_function". Return type must be "bool"
Wrong parameters type:
bool my_function(const int i1, int& o1);
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_parameter' what(): Can't process function: "my_function". Function parameters must be 0 or more input parameters (const T*) followed by 0 or more output parameters (T&)
Again wrong parameters type:
bool my_function(const int* i1, int o1);
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_parameter' what(): Can't process function: "my_function". Function parameters must be 0 or more input parameters (const T*) followed by 0 or more output parameters (T&)
Instantiating Compiled Functional Nodes in a Computational Graph¶
After compiling a module from a header file using the script, the former can be used to add Functional Nodes to a Computational Graph which can run any of the functions declared in the header file.
In the page: Instantiating a Computational Graph in Python, it is explained how to add nodes and edges to a Computational Graph using a set of Python decorators provided with NRP-Core. Concretely, the @FunctionalNode decorator can be used to add a Functional Node to the graph which will execute the decorated Python function.
As an example, the code below will add to the graph a node my_fn which will send the input argument i1 through its port o1 only if i1 is not null. The input of the node is connected to a ROSInputNode which subscribes to “/test_sub”, and its output to a ROSOutputNode which will publish incoming messages to topic “/test_pub”.
@RosPublisher(keyword="o1", address="/test_pub", type=Bool) @RosSubscriber(keyword="i1", address="/test_sub", type=Bool) @FunctionalNode(name="my_fn", outputs=['o1'], exec_policy=node_policies.functional_node.exec_policy.on_new_message) def my_function(i1): if i1: return [i1] else: return None
The resulting behavior of this graph is that any ROS message published to topic “/test_sub” will be received by the ROSInputNode, which will pass it to my_fn node, which will forward it to the ROSOutputNode, which will publish it to “/test_pub”.
The same behavior can be achieved compiling the C function below using
bool my_function(const std_msgs::Bool* i1, std_msgs::Bool& o1) { if(i1 != nullptr) { o1 = *i1; return true; } else return false; }
and, instead of using the @FunctionalNode decorator as indicated above, using the function createFNFromFactoryModule, also part of the nrp_core.event_loop Python module, as in the code snippet below:
fn = createFNFromFactoryModule(module_name="", function_name="my_function", node_name="my_fn", exec_policy=node_policies.functional_node.exec_policy.on_new_message) RosSubscriber(keyword="i1", address="/test_sub", type=Bool)(fn) RosPublisher(keyword="o1", address="/test_pub", type=Bool)(fn)
In this case, the arguments of the function run by the FN are typed and some additional care must be paid when creating edges to my_node.
In this dummy example, it seems cumbersome to use C++ pre-compiled FN nodes in comparison with the purely Python option. In use cases where optimizing performance is important, either because the nodes perform costly computations or because NRP-Core is deployed in resource contrained devices, the C++ pre-compiled option should be preferred.
The folder nrp_event_loop/tests/examples contains a set of simple NRP-Core experiments showing different uses of C++ pre-compiled FN nodes.
Note on the use of “createFNFromFactoryModule” Python function¶
In the two code examples listed above, even if both would exhibit the same behavior, some differences in the syntax can be noticed.
In the first case of the FN created from a Python function, the functions FunctionalNode, RosSubscriber and RosPublisher are used as decorators. In the second example though, createFNFromFactoryModule, RosSubscriber and RosPublisher are used as functions.
They are the same functions though, but only can be used as decorators when the FN is created to run a Python function, i.e., with the “FunctionalNode” function. The first example can be re-written as below and will create the same graph when executed:
def my_function(i1): if i1: return [i1] else: return None fn = FunctionalNode(name="my_fn", outputs=['o1'], exec_policy=node_policies.functional_node.exec_policy.on_new_message)(my_function) RosPublisher(keyword="o1", address="/test_pub", type=Bool)(fn) RosSubscriber(keyword="i1", address="/test_sub", type=Bool)(fn)
Matching Port types when connecting C++ Pre-compiled Functional Nodes¶
As explained here, in the Computational Graph ports are typed. A Functional Node instantiated from a C++ Pre-compiled function will have a series of input and output ports with the same types and names as the parameters of the corresponding C++ function.
When connecting these ports to Input, Output or other Functional Nodes in the graph (using the Python functions described in this page), it always must be considered that the types of the connected ports must match, otherwise there will be a runtime error when running the graph in an NRP-Core experiment.
As commented above, the folder nrp_event_loop/tests/examples contains examples of C++ Pre-compiled Functional Nodes connected to the different I/O node implementations available: ROS nodes, MQTT nodes, Engine nodes and dummy nodes (only for testing purposes). For a complete description of these node implementations see: Computational Node Implementations.
ROS Nodes¶
For connecting a function parameter to a ROS I/O node, the type of the parameter must be a ROS message. As in the example experiment: nrp_event_loop/tests/examples/ros_nodes_std_bool.
Any of the ROS message definitions contained in the ROS packages compiled with NRP-Core can be used. See here for more information.
MQTT Nodes¶
As explained here, for connecting a function parameter to an MQTT I/O node, the type of the parameter must be std::string, nlohmann::json or any of the protobuf message types precompiled with NRP-Core.
The example experiment nrp_event_loop/tests/examples/mqtt_nodes_str_protobuf shows the connection of C++ Pre-compiled Functional Nodes with MQTT nodes.
Engine Nodes¶
When connecting to Engine nodes, the type of the connected parameter must be DataPackInterface in the case of InputEngineNodes and DataPackInterface* for OutputEngineNodes. As in the example experiments: nrp_event_loop/tests/examples/{engine_nodes_json;engine_nodes_protobuf;engine_nodes_protobuf_custom}.
The first two examples demonstrate respectively the use of DataPack<nlohmann::json> and DataPack<Dump::String>, being Dump::String one of the Protobuf message types precompiled with NRP-Core.
The third example shows the use of Protobuf messages compiled with the tool, as explained in this page.
Using the script¶
The script is installed with NRP-Core and can be invoked from the command line. It takes as argument the path to the header file containing the function prototypes (or definitions) which are meant to be used in Functional Nodes afterwards. Optionally, other arguments can be passed to the script which will be forwared as command line arguments to a cmake command which is executed within the script to configure and build the module.
Below are commented some special cmake variables which can (and must, depending on the case) be passed to cmake.
In case the definitions of the functions declared in the header file passed to are located in a separate source file, the path to it must be passed to cmake using the variable SOURCE_FILENAME. E.g. my_prototypes.h -DSOURCE_FILENAME=my_definitions.cpp
This variable needs to be used when any of the functions in the header file uses Protobuf message types which were not compiled with NRP-Core, i.e. which were compiled with the tool, as in the example nrp_event_loop/tests/examples/engine_nodes_protobuf_custom. In this case, the name of the package/s containing those messages must be passed as a list to cmake using the variable NRP_PROTO_MSGS_PACKAGES.
For example, nrp_event_loop/tests/examples/engine_nodes_protobuf_custom uses a Protobuf message MyPackage::MyMessage which is not part of the Protobuf messages compiled with NRP-Core. In order to run the example, first you must call from that folder, so that compile and install my_message.proto, which contains the definition of MyPackage::MyMessage. Then, build the module by executing the command below: my_prototypes.h -DNRP_PROTO_MSGS_PACKAGES=MyPackage
Finally, the experiment can be run with the usual command:
NRPCoreSim -c simulation_config.json
If any of the functions in the header file uses ROS messages, the ROS package in which the message is defined must be passed to cmake using the variable NRP_ROS_MSGS_PACKAGES.
The example nrp_event_loop/tests/examples/ros_nodes_std_bool uses the ROS message std_msgs::Bool, and in order to build the module the command below must be executed: my_prototypes.h -DNRP_ROS_MSGS_PACKAGES=std_msgs
When building a module from an input header file, the former is linked to all libraries required to handle all the supported cases mentioned in this page: ROS messages, Protobuf messages, DataPacks, etc.
Including additional directories or linking to additional libraries which the compilation of the module might require is not supported yet. That is, if the input header file passed to requires additional include directories or linking to additional libraries, the compilation will probably fail.