hbp_nrp_commons.sim_config.SimConfig module

This module represents the configuration of a running simulation

class ExperimentResource(resource_type, resource_rel_path, model_name=None, located_at=None)[source]

Bases: object

Generalized model description of experiment resources. Can be BRAIN, WORLD, or any other MODEL

class ResourcePath(rel_path, located_at=None)[source]

Bases: object

Path place holder

class ResourceType(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumeration for model types. Robot resources are enhanced in a different structure

BRAIN = 286261251
ENVIRONMENT = 286261253
MODEL = 286261249
ROBOT = 286261250
class SimConfig(exc_abs_path, **params)[source]

Bases: object

Abstraction of exc and bibi configuration

property bibi_dom

Restrict external access of bibi_dom


exception – while accessing DOM object directly

property bibi_path

Gets the simulation bibi file ResourcePath

property brain_model

Gets the robot models

property ctx_id

Returns the context id assigned to this simulation

property exc_dom

Restrict external access of exc_dom


exception – while accessing DOM object directly

property exc_path

Gets the simulation exc file path

property experiment_id

Gets the experiment id (typically the folder name in the storage server)

property ext_robot_controller

Gets the ext_robot_controller relative path

property gazebo_lockstep

Gets gazebo_lockstep argument


it gets the data necessary to create the brain model


dict containing all the populations


it gets the data necessary to create a world model

gzbridge_setting(name, default)[source]

Gets the gzbridge setting

property gzserver_host

Gets the gzserver host location


Initialize data members of the sim config

property model_paths

Gets the model paths

property num_brain_processes

Gets the number of brain processes

property physics_engine

Gets the physics_engine

property playback_path

Gets the playback path

property profiler

Returns the profiler mode for this simulation

property record_ros_topics

Gets the rostopics that shall be recorded with rosbag in addition to the common ones

property reservation

Gets the reservation for cluster (typically a ssh-able hostname, etc.)

property retina_config

Gets the retina config file (if provided)

property rng_seed

Gets the number of brain processes

property robot_models

Gets the robot models

property ros_launch_abs_path

Gets the ros_launch absolute path

property sim_dir

Gets the simulation directory

property sim_id

Gets the simulation id

property simulation_type

Gets the playback path

property timeout

Gets the simulation directory

property timeout_type

Gets the simulation directory

property timestep

Gets the number of brain processes

property token

Returns the token assigned to this simulation

property transfer_functions

Gets the list of transfer functions

property world_model

Gets the environment model info

class SimulationType(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumeration for different simulation type

NENGO_LOIHI_SYNC = 285212677
NENGO_SYNC = 285212676
NEST_DIRECT_SYNC = 285212679
NEST_DIST = 285212674
NEST_SYNC = 285212673
ROBOT_ROS_SYNC = 285212678
SPINNAKER_SYNC = 285212675
class Version(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumeration for exc and bibi version

CURRENT = 'Current'