HBP Neurorobotics Platform
Before you start
A quick Introduction to NRP 3.2
NRP Features
NRP Tutorials
The Baseball Experiment Tutorial
Using Tensorflow in your experiment Tutorial
TensorFlow and NRP v3.2
TensorFlow and NRP v3.0.5
Virtual Coach Tutorial
Multiple robots Tutorial
Transfer function Tutorial
Experiment configuration Tutorial
The Spinnaker Experiment Tutorial
How to debug my experiment
NRP-Opensim muscle modeling tutorial
Brain visualizer tutorial
NRP Developer Manual
NRP Glossary
HBP Neurorobotics Platform
NRP Tutorials
Using Tensorflow in your experiment Tutorial
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Using Tensorflow in your experiment Tutorial
TensorFlow and NRP v3.2
Installing TensorFlow for Use in the NRP
Building a “Hello, TensorFlow!” Experiment
Further Reading: A More Complex TensorFlow Example Experiment
TensorFlow and NRP v3.0.5