HBP Neurorobotics Platform
Before you start
A quick Introduction to NRP 3.2
NRP Features
NRP Tutorials
The Baseball Experiment Tutorial
Using Tensorflow in your experiment Tutorial
Virtual Coach Tutorial
Multiple robots Tutorial
Transfer function Tutorial
Experiment configuration Tutorial
The Spinnaker Experiment Tutorial
Tutorial: A simple Braitenberg experiment with a Husky robot connected to a Spinnaker board
How to debug my experiment
NRP-Opensim muscle modeling tutorial
Brain visualizer tutorial
NRP Developer Manual
NRP Glossary
HBP Neurorobotics Platform
NRP Tutorials
The Spinnaker Experiment Tutorial
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The Spinnaker Experiment Tutorial
Tutorial: A simple Braitenberg experiment with a Husky robot connected to a Spinnaker board
Changing the simulator
Converting neural membrane potentials to robot control commands
Converting images to robot commands
Monitoring Spikes