Class: ConstraintBasedLayouter

Function: getPossibleInsertLocations

Generates the list of all the possible locations where a new components can be placed

  • container (GL_Component) – A golden layout container

Return GL_Component

The list of possible insert locations

Function: placeComponent

Places a new component at the required location, orientation and with the specified percentage in the conxcerned orientation

placeComponent(component, location, horizontal, percentage)
  • component (GL_Component_config) – Component config for the new component

  • location (GL_Component) – The component

  • horizontal (boolean) – Whether the orientation is horizontal or not (not=>vertical)

  • percentage (float) – Percentage of space in the concerned orienattion to give to the new component

Function: getSolutionFitness

Calculates the fitness of placing a component at a giveb location in a certain orientation Fitness is the delta between the space that can be allocated in the given location as opposed to the prefered component size as specified in the component config (Smaller fitness is better)

getSolutionFitness(location, component, horizontal)
  • location (GL_Component) – The location where to place the new component

  • component (GL_Component_config) – The config for the new component to place

  • horizontal (boolean) – Whether it is a horizontal placement (or vertical)

Function: _getChildSizeSize

Retrieves a component effective sizes and prefered sizes

  • component (*) – Retrieves a component effective sizes and prefered sizes

Return _getChildSizeSize(component)

The component effective sizes and prefered sizes

Function: reequilibrate

Re-equilibrates the space allocated between components in the existing layout, recusrively and bottom up to approximate prefered sizes as much as possible.

  • container (GL_Component) – The container to re-equilibrate

Return reequilibrate(container)

The container effective sizes and prefered sizes

Function: verifyComponentRequirements

Checks if the component config is valid Throws an exception if it is not the case

  • component (GL_Component_config) – A Gl component config

Function: addComponent

Layouter public method to be called by GL service when adding a new component

addComponent(layout, component)
  • layout (GL_Component) – Layouter public method to be called by GL service when adding a new component

  • component (GL_Component_config) – Layouter public method to be called by GL service when adding a new component