# This file is part of the Neurorobotics Platform software
# Copyright (C) 2014,2015,2016,2017 Human Brain Project
# https://www.humanbrainproject.eu
# The Human Brain Project is a European Commission funded project
# in the frame of the Horizon2020 FET Flagship plan.
# http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/h2020-section/fet-flagships
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
This module manages robot resources in CLE for a running simulation. Addition, deletion, update,
and en/disabling of robots should be handled in this module.
CLE Assembly (cleserver) creates an object of this class, and passes around.
from builtins import object
from future.utils import itervalues
import copy
import logging
from .GazeboHelper import GazeboHelper
from hbp_nrp_cleserver.server.ROSLaunch import ROSLaunch
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__author__ = 'Hossain Mahmud'
[docs]class Robot(object):
Robot model structure to be used in the CLE
def __init__(self, rid, sdf_abs_path, display_name, pose,
is_custom=False, roslaunch_abs_path=None, model=None):
self.id = rid
self.model = model
self.SDFFileAbsPath = sdf_abs_path
self.displayName = display_name
self.pose = pose # quaternion pose: geometry_msgs.msg.Pose
self.isCustom = is_custom
self.rosLaunchAbsPath = roslaunch_abs_path
self.rosLaunch = None
[docs]class RobotManager(object):
Manages robot resources in the CLE
def __init__(self):
Create a robot manager
self.robots = {}
self.__sceneHandler = None
self.__retina_config = None
[docs] def set_robot_dict(self, new_dict):
Set the robot dictionary
:return: robot list
self.robots = new_dict
[docs] def get_robot_dict(self):
Gets a reference to the robot dictionary with robot id as key and Robot object as value
:return: robot list
return self.robots
[docs] def get_robot_dict_clone(self):
:return: A copy of the robot dictionary with robot id as key and Robot object as value
return copy.deepcopy(self.robots)
[docs] def get_robot(self, robot_id):
Get Robot instance of the robot of the given id
:param robot_id: id of the robot
:return: A cle.robotsim.Robot object
return self.robots[robot_id]
[docs] def add_robot(self, robot):
Add a robot object
:param robot: A cle.robotsim.Robot object
if robot.id in self.robots:
raise Exception("Robot name already exists.")
self.robots[robot.id] = robot
[docs] def initialize(self, robot):
Initialize a robot into the scene
:param robot: robot to be initialize
if robot.rosLaunchAbsPath:
robot.ROSLaunch = ROSLaunch(robot.rosLaunchAbsPath)
logger.info("Adding robot %s from %s: ", robot.id, robot.SDFFileAbsPath)
str(robot.id), robot.SDFFileAbsPath, robot.pose, self.retina_config)
except Exception as e:
del self.robots[robot.id]
raise Exception("Error loading {robot} into the scene. {err}"
.format(robot=robot.id, err=str(e)))
[docs] def remove_robot(self, robot_id):
Remove robot of the given Id
:param robot_id: id of the robot to be removed
del self.robots[robot_id]
[docs] def remove_all_robots(self):
Remove all robots from the manager
# pylint: disable=unused-variable
for k in list(self.robots.keys()):
del self.robots[k]
[docs] def init_scene_handler(self):
Returns a reference to the active scene handler for the physics simulator.
Can only be called after gazebo is started.
:return: a reference to the active scene handler for the physics simulator
# TODO: GazeboHelper blocks thread if gazebo hasn't been initialized
# FIXME: Implemnet busy-wait-timeout in GazeboHelper
if not self.__sceneHandler:
self.__sceneHandler = GazeboHelper()
return self.__sceneHandler
[docs] def scene_handler(self):
Helper function to ensure scene handler is not being accessed before initializing gazebo
:return: A scene handler object capable of manipulating the 3D scene, e.g., gazebo scene
:raises Exception: is raised if accessed before initializing the physics engine
if not self.__sceneHandler:
raise Exception("Trying to access scene handler without initializing physics engine")
return self.__sceneHandler
def retina_config(self):
Gets retina config
return self.__retina_config
def retina_config(self, config):
Sets retina config
:param config: retina config to use
self.__retina_config = config
[docs] def delete_robot_from_scene(self, robot_id):
Deletes a robot from the 3D scene
:param robot_id: Id of the robot to be deleted. Ignores the call if id is missing
robot = self.robots.get(robot_id, None)
if robot:
logger.info("Model delete temporarily disabled due to a known Gazebo issue.")
# NRRPLT-7855
# self.scene_handler().delete_model_proxy(str(robot.id))
logger.info("Cannot delete from RobotManager: id %s does not exist", robot_id)
[docs] def shutdown(self):
Cleans up any process or resource used by the manager
for robot in itervalues(self.robots):
if robot.rosLaunch: