Source code for hbp_nrp_backend.storage_client_api.StorageClient

# This file is part of the Neurorobotics Platform software
# Copyright (C) 2014,2015,2016,2017 Human Brain Project
# The Human Brain Project is a European Commission funded project
# in the frame of the Horizon2020 FET Flagship plan.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
Wrapper around the storage API
import urllib.error
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
from hbp_nrp_commons.workspace.SimUtil import SimUtil
from hbp_nrp_commons.workspace.Settings import Settings
from hbp_nrp_commons.sim_config.SimConfig import ResourceType
from hbp_nrp_backend import NRPServicesGeneralException
from xml.sax import SAXParseException
from pyxb import ValidationError
import tempfile
import textwrap
import re
import requests
import logging
import os
from builtins import object

from future import standard_library

__author__ = "Manos Angelidis"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Model(object): # pragma: no cover """ This class represents the model that we have in the model DB. """ def __init__(self, nameModel, typeModel, pathModel=None): """ Creates the model object. """ = nameModel self.type = typeModel self.path = pathModel
[docs]class ModelType(object): # pragma: no cover """ Enumeration for model types. Model resources are enhanced in a different structure """ types = { ResourceType.ROBOT: 'robots', ResourceType.ENVIRONMENT: 'environments', ResourceType.BRAIN: 'brains' }
[docs] @staticmethod def getResourceType(value): """ returns the key of the valueToFind form the types dictionary. """ return [k for (k, v) in ModelType.types.items() if v == value][0]
[docs]class StorageClient(object): """ Wrapper around the storage server API. Users of this class should first call the authentication function to retrieve a token, before making the requests to the storage server """ __instance = None _sim_dir = None __resources_path = None def __new__(cls): """ Overridden new for the singleton implementation :return: Singleton instance """ if StorageClient.__instance is None: StorageClient.__instance = object.__new__(cls) return StorageClient.__instance def __init__(self): """ Creates the storage client """ self.__proxy_url = Settings.storage_uri # Paths related to the textures self.__texture_directories = (Settings.local_gazebo_path + Settings.gzweb_assets_media_path + Settings.gzweb_custom_textures_path) # folders in resources we want to filter self.__filtered_resources = ['textures']
[docs] def set_sim_dir(self, sim_dir): """ Sets the sim_dir for this client :param sim_dir: Simulation directory """ self._sim_dir = sim_dir
[docs] def get_user(self, token): """ Retrieves the user id for the specified authentication token :param token: the authentication token :return: the user id """ try: res = requests.get( self.__proxy_url + '/identity/me', headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token} ) if 200 <= res.status_code < 300: return res.json() else: raise Exception( 'Could not verify auth token, status code ' + str(res.status_code)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: logger.exception(err) raise err
[docs] def can_acess_experiment(self, token, context_id, experiment_id): """ Verifies if an authenticated user can access an experiment :param token: The authentication token :param context_id: Optional context idenfifier :param experiment_id: The experiment id :return: Whether the user can access the experiment """ return self.list_experiments(token, context_id, name=experiment_id) is not None
[docs] def list_experiments(self, token, context_id, get_all=False, name=None): """ Lists the experiments the user has access to depending on his token :param token: a valid token to be used for the request :param context_id: the context_id if we are using collab storage :param get_all: a parameter to return all the available experiments, not only the ones available to a specific user :param name: if we want to get a specific folder i.e. the robots :return: an array of all the available to the user experiments """ query_args = {} if name: query_args['filter'] = urllib.parse.quote_plus(name) if get_all: query_args['all'] = str(get_all).lower() try: res = requests.get( '{proxy_url}/storage/experiments?{params}'.format( proxy_url=self.__proxy_url, params=urllib.parse.urlencode(query_args)), headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token, 'context-id': context_id} ) if res.status_code < 200 or res.status_code >= 300: raise Exception( 'Failed to communicate with the storage server, status code ' + str(res.status_code)) return res.json() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: logger.exception(err) raise err
[docs] def get_file(self, token, experiment, filename, by_name=False): """ Gets the content of a file under an experiment based on the filename and on the filetype :param token: a valid token to be used for the request :param experiment: the name of the experiment :param filename: the name of the file to return :return: if successful, the content of the file as a binary string """ try: request_url = '{proxy_url}/storage/{experiment}/{filename}?byname={by_name}'.format( proxy_url=self.__proxy_url, experiment=experiment, filename=filename, by_name=str(by_name).lower() ) res = requests.get(request_url, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token}) # TODO what about missing files? i.e. 204 if res.status_code < 200 or res.status_code >= 300: raise Exception('Failed to communicate with the storage server, status code {}' .format(res.status_code)) return res.content except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: logger.exception(err) raise err
[docs] def delete_file(self, token, experiment, filename): """ Deletes a file under under an experiment based on the experiment name and the filename. Needs the user token :param token: a valid token to be used for the request :param experiment: the name of the experiment :param filename: the name of the file to delete :return: if successful, the name of the deleted file """ try: request_url = '{proxy_url}/storage/{path}'.format( proxy_url=self.__proxy_url, path=urllib.parse.quote(os.path.join( experiment, filename), safe='') ) res = requests.delete( request_url, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token} ) if res.status_code < 200 or res.status_code >= 300: raise Exception( 'Failed to communicate with the storage server, status code ' + str(res.status_code)) return "Success" except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: logger.exception(err) raise err
[docs] def create_or_update(self, token, experiment, filename, content, content_type, append=False): """ Creates or updates a file under an experiment :param token: a valid token to be used for the request :param experiment: the name of the experiment :param filename: the name of the file to update/create :param content: the content of the file :param content_type: the content type of the file i.e. text/plain or application/octet-stream :param append: append to file or create new file """ try: append_query = "?append=true" if append else "" request_url = '{proxy_url}/storage/{experiment}/{filename}{appendquery}'.format( proxy_url=self.__proxy_url, experiment=experiment, filename=filename, appendquery=append_query) res =, headers={'content-type': content_type, 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token}, data=content) if res.status_code < 200 or res.status_code >= 300: raise Exception('Failed to communicate with the storage server, status code ' + str(res.status_code)) return res.status_code except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: logger.exception(err) raise err
[docs] def create_folder(self, token, experiment, name): """ Creates a folder under an experiment. If the folder exists we reuse it :param token: a valid token to be used for the request :param experiment: the name of the experiment :param name: the name of the folder to create """ try: request_url = '{proxy_url}/storage/{experiment}/{name}?type=folder'.format( proxy_url=self.__proxy_url, experiment=experiment, name=name ) res = request_url, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token} ) if res.status_code == 400:'The folder with the name %s already exists in the storage, reusing', name) return 200 if res.status_code < 200 or res.status_code >= 300: raise Exception( 'Failed to communicate with the storage server, status code ' + str(res.status_code)) return res.json() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: logger.exception(err) raise err
[docs] def create_and_extract_zip(self, token, experiment, name, content): """ Creates and extracts a zip under an experiment. .. todo:: add a REST endpoint in the storage to allow the transfer of multiple files. For instance we might add a create_files(files_list) in StorageClient. Internally, the files might be zipped on the client and unzipped on the server. :param token: a valid token to be used for the request :param experiment: the name of the experiment :param name: the name of the zip :param content: the content of the file """ try: request_url = '{proxy_url}/storage/{experiment}/{name}?type=zip'.format( proxy_url=self.__proxy_url, experiment=experiment, name=name) res =, headers={ 'content-type': 'application/octet-stream', 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token}, data=content) if res.status_code < 200 or res.status_code >= 300: raise Exception('Failed to communicate with the storage server, status code ' + str(res.status_code)) return res.status_code except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: logger.exception(err) raise err
[docs] def get_files_list(self, token, experiment, folder=None): """ Lists all the files under an experiment based on the experiment name and the user token :param token: a valid token to be used for the request :param experiment: the name of the experiment :param folder: it is a boolean variable that indicates if get_files_list returns folders or not. :return: if successful, the files under the experiment """ try: request_url = '{proxy_url}/storage/{experiment}'.format( proxy_url=self.__proxy_url, experiment=experiment ) res = requests.get( request_url, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token}) if res.status_code < 200 or res.status_code >= 300: raise Exception( 'Failed to communicate with the storage server, status code ' + str(res.status_code)) # folder variable is added because copy_resources_folder needs # to list the folders too return [entry for entry in res.json() if (entry['type'] == 'file' or folder) and not self.check_file_extension(entry['name'], ['.swp'])] except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: logger.exception(err) raise err
[docs] def get_model_path(self, token, context_id, model): """ Returns the path to a custom model :param token: a valid token to be used for the request :param context_id: the context_id of the collab :param model: model object, check class Model :return: if found, the uuid of the named folder """ try: request_url = '{proxy_url}/storage/models/path/{model_type}/{model_name}'.format( proxy_url=self.__proxy_url, model_type=ModelType.types[model.type], ) res = requests.get(request_url, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token, 'context-id': context_id}) if res.status_code < 200 or res.status_code >= 300: raise Exception( 'Failed to communicate with the storage server, status code {}' .format(res.status_code)) return res.text except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: logger.exception(err) raise err
[docs] def get_model(self, token, context_id, model): """ Returns the content of a custom model file :param token: a valid token to be used for the request :param context_id: the context_id of the collab :param model: the model object, check class Model :return: if found, returns the content of the model as a binary string """ try: request_url = '{proxy_url}/storage/models/{model_type}/{model_name}'.format( proxy_url=self.__proxy_url, model_type=ModelType.types[model.type], ) res = requests.get(request_url, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token, 'context-id': context_id}) if res.status_code < 200 or res.status_code >= 300: raise Exception( 'Failed to communicate with the storage server, status code {}' .format(res.status_code)) return res.content except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: logger.exception(err) raise err
[docs] def get_models_list(self, token, context_id, model_type): """ Returns a list with custom models of a certain model_type :param token: a valid token to be used for the request :param context_id: the context_id of the collab :param model_type: the type of the model defined in ModelType :return: if found, list of Models objects """ try: request_url = '{proxy_url}/storage/models/all/{modelType}'.format( proxy_url=self.__proxy_url, modelType=ModelType.types[model_type] ) res = requests.get(request_url, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token, 'context-id': context_id}) if res.status_code < 200 or res.status_code >= 300: raise Exception( 'Failed to communicate with the storage server, status code ' + str(res.status_code)) list_models = [] for model in res.json(): model_type_key = ModelType.getResourceType(model['type']) model = Model(model['name'], model_type_key, model['path']) list_models.append(model) return list_models except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: logger.exception(err) raise err
[docs] def get_textures_list(self, experiment, token): """ Returns the contents of the resources/textures experiment folder :param experiment: the name of the experiment :param token: a valid token to be used for the request :return: if found, the list of textures """ try: request_url = '{proxy_url}/storage/{experiment}{textures_path}'.format( proxy_url=self.__proxy_url, experiment=experiment, textures_path=urllib.parse.quote_plus('/resources/textures') ) res = requests.get( request_url, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token}) if res.status_code < 200 or res.status_code >= 300: raise Exception( 'Failed to communicate with the storage server, status code ' + str(res.status_code)) return res.json() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: logger.exception(err) raise err
[docs] def clone_file(self, filename, token, experiment): """ Clones a file according to a given filename to a simulation folder. The caller then has the responsibility of managing this folder. :param filename: The filename of the file to clone :param token: The token of the request :param experiment: The experiment which contains the file :return: The local path of the cloned file, """ for folder_entry in self.get_files_list(token, experiment): if filename in folder_entry['name']: clone_destination = os.path.join(self._sim_dir, filename) with open(clone_destination, "wb") as f: f.write(self.get_file(token, experiment, filename, by_name=True)) break else: return None # filename not found return clone_destination
[docs] def copy_file_content(self, token, src_folder, dest_folder, filename): """ copy the content of file located in the Storage into the proper tmp folder :param token: The token of the request :param src_folder: folder location where it will be copy from :param dest_folder: folder location where it will be copy to :param filename: name of the file to be copied. """ with open(os.path.join(src_folder, filename), "wb") as f: f.write(self.get_file(token, dest_folder, filename, by_name=True))
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
[docs] def check_file_extension(self, filename, extensions): """ checks if an file is of a certain extension :param filename: the file name :param extensions: the extensions list to check """ return os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower() in extensions
[docs] def copy_folder_content_to_tmp(self, token, folder): """ copy the content of the folder located in storage/experiment into sim_dir folder :param token: The token of the request :param folder: the folder in the storage folder to copy in tmp folder, it has included the uuid of the experiment """ folder['fullpath'] = folder['name'] child_folders = [folder] while child_folders: actual_folder = child_folders.pop() folder_path = actual_folder['fullpath'] folder_uuid = urllib.parse.quote_plus(actual_folder['uuid']) for folder_entry in self.get_files_list(token, folder_uuid, True): if folder_entry['type'] == 'folder' and folder_entry['name'] \ not in self.__filtered_resources: folder_entry['fullpath'] = os.path.join( folder_path, folder_entry['name']) child_folders.append(folder_entry) if folder_entry['type'] == 'file': folder_tmp_path = str( os.path.join(self._sim_dir, folder_path)) SimUtil.makedirs(folder_tmp_path) self.copy_file_content( token, folder_tmp_path, folder_uuid, folder_entry['name'] )
[docs] def copy_resources_folder(self, token, experiment): """ Copy the resources folder located in storage/experiment into simulation folder :param token: The token of the request :param experiment: The experiment which contains the resource folder """ try: for folder_entry in self.get_files_list(token, experiment, True): if folder_entry['name'] == 'resources' and folder_entry['type'] == 'folder': if os.path.exists(self.__resources_path): SimUtil.clear_dir(self.__resources_path) self.copy_folder_content_to_tmp(token, folder_entry) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except logger.exception( 'An error happened trying to copy resources to tmp ') raise
[docs] def create_material_from_textures(self, textures): """ Algorithm to create a new material from the textures. For every texture we append a new default material which points to the texture. """ # The material script is a stripped down version of an OGRE material script # see for the documentation material_template = textwrap.dedent( ''' material {texture_name} {{ technique {{ pass {{ ambient 1 1 1 1.000000 diffuse 1 1 1 1.000000 specular 0.03 0.03 0.03 1.000000 texture_unit {{ texture {texture_name} }} }} }} }} ''') material_scripts = [ material_template.format(texture_name=texture['name']) for texture in textures ] # Create a custom.material script and pass it to all the required directories for directory in self.__texture_directories: with open(os.path.join(directory, 'materials', 'scripts', 'custom.material'), 'w') as f: f.write(''.join(material_scripts))
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_textures(textures): """ Returns only the textures from /resources/textures """ # Regexp checks if the texture is a png, gif, or jpeg return [t for t in textures if"\.(jpe?g|png|gif)$", t["name"], re.IGNORECASE) is not None]
[docs] def create_textures_paths(self): """ Generate the folder structure under assets. Looks like: relative_path/materials/scripts/custom.material relative_path/materials/textures/texture1...n """ relative_path = '' for directory in self.__texture_directories: for path in ['materials']: SimUtil.makedirs(os.path.join(directory, relative_path)) relative_path = os.path.join(relative_path, path) SimUtil.makedirs(os.path.join(directory, relative_path, 'scripts')) SimUtil.makedirs(os.path.join( directory, relative_path, 'textures')) relative_path = ''
[docs] def generate_textures(self, experiment, token): """ Clones all the contents of the textures folders to the temporary directory and creates the structure required by gazebo and gzweb. :param token: The token of the request :param experiment: The experiment which contains the textures folder """ # Get the contents of the resources/textures folder from the proxy and filter them # to get only the images textures = self.filter_textures(self.get_textures_list(experiment, token)) # If we find images we proceed to create paths in the backend if textures: # Create the paths in ~/.local/share/gazebo-7/media # $NRP/gzweb/http/client/assets/media | custom_textures self.create_textures_paths() # Generate a custom material file which points to all the textures self.create_material_from_textures(textures) # For the backend directories and for every texture copy over the textures for directory in self.__texture_directories: for texture in textures: self.copy_file_content(token, os.path.join( directory, 'materials', 'textures'), urllib.parse.quote_plus( experiment + '/resources/textures'), texture['name'])
# pylint: disable=broad-except, dangerous-default-value
[docs] def clone_all_experiment_files(self, token, experiment, destination_dir=None, exclude=[]): """ Clones all the experiment files to a simulation folder. The caller has then the responsibility of managing this folder. :param token: The token of the request :param experiment: The experiment to clone :param destination_dir: the directory in which to clone the files, if None is provided, clones in a temporary folder :param exclude: a list of folders of files not to clone (folder names ends with '/') :return: A dictionary containing the paths to the experiment files """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # if something goes wrong while generating textures we just log the error # and continue like nothing happened try: self.generate_textures(experiment, token) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except "Could not generate textures, error occurred : %s", (str(e))) destination_dir = destination_dir if destination_dir else tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix='nrp.') self._sim_dir = destination_dir self.__resources_path = os.path.join(self._sim_dir, "resources") exclude_files = [f for f in exclude if not f.endswith('/')] exclude_dirs = [os.path.dirname(d) for d in exclude if d.endswith('/')] for entry_to_clone in self.get_files_list(token, experiment, folder=True): # Filter out excluded folders and files if entry_to_clone['type'] == 'folder': if entry_to_clone['name'] in exclude_dirs: continue else: if (entry_to_clone['name'] in exclude_files or os.path.dirname(entry_to_clone['name']) in exclude_dirs): continue if entry_to_clone['type'] == 'folder': self.copy_folder_content_to_tmp(token, entry_to_clone) else: # == 'file' dest_file_path = os.path.join( destination_dir, entry_to_clone['name']) with open(dest_file_path, "wb") as file_clone: file_contents = self.get_file(token, experiment, entry_to_clone['name'], by_name=True) file_clone.write(file_contents) return destination_dir
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_and_check_file_is_valid(filepath, create_obj_function, instance_type): """ Parses a file and checks if it corresponds to its instance type and can be created into its object :param filepath: The path of the file :param create_obj_function: The function to create the object :param instance_type: The required instance type of the file :return: An object containing the file content """ with open(filepath) as file_content: try: file_obj = create_obj_function( if not isinstance(file_obj, instance_type): raise NRPServicesGeneralException( f"{filepath} configuration file content is not valid.", error_type="File not valid") except (ValidationError, SAXParseException) as ve: raise NRPServicesGeneralException( f"Could not parse file {filepath} due to validation error: {str(ve)}", "File not valid") return file_obj
[docs] def get_folder_uuid_by_name(self, token, context_id, folder_name): """ Returns the uuid of a folder provided its name :param token: a valid token to be used for the request :param context_id: the context_id of the collab :param folder_name: the name of the folder :return: if found, the uuid of the named folder """ folders = self.list_experiments( token, context_id, get_all=True, name=folder_name) for folder in (f for f in folders if f["name"] == folder_name): return folder["uuid"]