Source code for hbp_nrp_backend

This package contains the python code to run the REST web server and supportive tooling

from hbp_nrp_backend.version import VERSION as __version__  # pylint: disable=unused-import
import os
import time

__author__ = 'GeorgHinkel'

[docs]class NRPServicesGeneralException(Exception): """ General exception class that can be used to return meaningful messages to the ExD frontend. :param message: message displayed to the end user. :param error_type: Type of error (like 'CLE Error') :param error_code: The HTTP error code to send to the frontend. """ def __init__(self, message, error_type, error_code=500, data=None): super(NRPServicesGeneralException, self).__init__() # These fields are handled by the front-end JS code. self.message = message self.error_type = error_type self.error_code = error_code = data def __str__(self): return f"{repr(self.message)} ({self.error_type})"
[docs]class NRPServicesClientErrorException(NRPServicesGeneralException): """ Exception class for client (4xx) errors. It can be used to return meaningful messages to the ExD frontend. :param message: message displayed to the end user. :param error_code: The HTTP error code to send to the frontend. """ def __init__(self, message, error_type="Client error", error_code=400, data=None): super().__init__(message, error_type, error_code, data)
[docs]class NRPServicesStateException(NRPServicesGeneralException): """ State exception class that can be used to return meaningful messages to the HBP frontend. :param message: message displayed to the end user. """ def __init__(self, message, error_type="Transition error", error_code=400, data=None): super().__init__(message, error_type, error_code, data)
[docs]class NRPServicesDuplicateNameException(NRPServicesGeneralException): """ Duplicate name exception that can be used to return meaningful messages to the HBP frontend in case simulation scripts (transfer-functions or state-machines) or populations contain duplicate names. :param message: message displayed to the end user. """ def __init__(self, message, error_type="Duplicate name error", error_code=403, data=None): super().__init__(message, error_type, error_code, data)
[docs]class NRPServicesTransferFunctionException(NRPServicesGeneralException): """ Transfer function exception class that can be used to return meaningful messages to the HBP frontend in case source code updates fail. :param message: message displayed to the end user. """ def __init__(self, message, error_type="Transfer function error", error_code=400, data=None): super().__init__(message, error_type, error_code, data)
[docs]class NRPServicesStateMachineException(NRPServicesClientErrorException): """ State machine exception class that can be used to return meaningful messages to the HBP frontend in case source code updates fail. :param message: message displayed to the end user. """ def __init__(self, message, error_type="State machine error", error_code=400, data=None): super().__init__(message, error_type, error_code, data)
[docs]class NRPServicesWrongUserException(NRPServicesClientErrorException): """ Exception class that can be used to return meaningful messages to the HBP frontend in case an invalid user is detected. :param message: message displayed to the end user. """ def __init__(self): super(NRPServicesWrongUserException, self).\ __init__( "You need to be the simulation owner to apply your changes " "or the simulation should be shared with you for you to be able to access it. \ If you are supposed to have the access, " "try leaving and then re-joining the experiment.", error_type="Wrong user", error_code=401 )
[docs]class NRPServicesUnavailableROSService(NRPServicesGeneralException): """ Server error with status 500 (internal error) issued when a ROS service is unavailable. It can be used to return meaningful messages to the ExD frontend. :param message: message displayed to the end user. It contains the text of the corresponding ROS exception """ def __init__(self, message, data=None): super().__init__( f"ROS service not available: {message}", error_type="Unavailable ROS service", data=data )
[docs]def get_date_and_time_string(): """ Utility function that returns a string reflecting the current date and time with a format that is suitable for file or folder names :return: a string containing the date and time under the format YYYY-mm-dd_HH-MM-SS """ return '_'.join([time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), time.strftime("%H-%M-%S")])