# This file is part of the Neurorobotics Platform software
# Copyright (C) 2014,2015,2016,2017 Human Brain Project
# https://www.humanbrainproject.eu
# The Human Brain Project is a European Commission funded project
# in the frame of the Horizon2020 FET Flagship plan.
# http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/h2020-section/fet-flagships
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Takes care of making the appropriate ROS call(s) to control a simulation.
On the other side of ROS, the calls are handled by ROSCLEServer.py
from builtins import object
import logging
import rospy
# This package comes from the catkin package ROSCLEServicesDefinitions
# in the GazeboRosPackages repository.
from cle_ros_msgs import srv, msg
from hbp_nrp_backend.cle_interface import SERVICE_SIM_RESET_ID, \
import hbp_nrp_commons
import sys
python_version_major = sys.version_info.major
python3 = python_version_major > 2
__author__ = "Lorenzo Vannucci, Daniel Peppicelli, Georg Hinkel"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def fallback_retval(val):
This function is intended to be used as a decorator for the methods calling CLE services.
It intercepts a ROSCLEClientException during the execution of a ROSServiceWrapper and returns
the desired value instead.
:param val: the fallback return value for the decorated method
def decorator(func):
The decorator function returned once the wanted fallback return value is set
:param func: the function to decorate.
def f(*args, **kwargs):
The function actually executed instead of the decorated one.
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except ROSCLEClientException:
return val
return f
return decorator
[docs]class ROSCLEClientException(Exception):
Exception within the CLE client
def __init__(self, *args, data=None):
self.data = data
[docs]class ROSCLEServiceWrapper(object):
Wraps the behaviour of a standard ROS service, throwing a detailed ROSCLEClientException
in case of invalid client or ROS exceptions.
def __init__(self, service_name, service_class, ros_cle_client, invalidate_on_failure=True):
:param service_name: the name of the ROS service.
:param service_class: the class of the ROS service parameter.
:param ros_cle_client: the ROSCLEClient instance creating the wrapper.
:param invalidate_on_failure (default=False): a boolean value deciding whether the
ROSCLEClient should be invalidated in case of failure (True) or not (False).
self.__handler = None
self.__ros_cle_client = ros_cle_client
self.__invalidate_on_failure = invalidate_on_failure
logger.info("Connecting to ROS service %s", service_name)
self.__handler = rospy.ServiceProxy(service_name, service_class)
except rospy.ROSException:
# According to the documentation, only a timeout will raise a generic 'ROSException'.
# http://docs.ros.org/api/rospy/html/rospy-module.html#wait_for_service
message = f"Timeout while connecting to the CLE (waiting on {service_name})."
raise ROSCLEClientException(message)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.__handler(*args, **kwargs)
except (rospy.ServiceException, rospy.exceptions.ROSInterruptException) as e:
if self.invalidate_on_failure:
self.__ros_cle_client.valid = False
self.__ros_cle_client.invalid_reason = "a previous communication error"
message = f"Error executing service \"{self.__handler.resolved_name}\"," \
f"unable to communicate with the CLE.\nError: {str(e)}"
raise ROSCLEClientException(message)
def handler(self):
Property getter for the __handler attribute
return self.__handler
def ros_cle_client(self):
Property getter for the __ros_cle_client attribute
return self.__ros_cle_client
def invalidate_on_failure(self):
Property getter for the __invalidate_on_failure attribute
return self.__invalidate_on_failure
[docs]class ROSCLEClient(object):
Client around the ROS controlled Closed Loop Engine.
def __init__(self, sim_id):
Create the wrapper client
:param sim_id: The simulation id
self.valid = True
self.__cle_reset = ROSCLEServiceWrapper(
SERVICE_SIM_RESET_ID(sim_id), srv.ResetSimulation, self)
self.__cle_extend_timeout = ROSCLEServiceWrapper(
SERVICE_SIM_EXTEND_TIMEOUT_ID(sim_id), srv.ExtendTimeout, self)
self.__cle_get_transfer_functions = ROSCLEServiceWrapper(
SERVICE_GET_TRANSFER_FUNCTIONS(sim_id), srv.GetTransferFunctions, self)
self.__cle_add_transfer_function = ROSCLEServiceWrapper(
SERVICE_ADD_TRANSFER_FUNCTION(sim_id), srv.AddTransferFunction, self)
self.__cle_activate_transfer_function = ROSCLEServiceWrapper(
SERVICE_ACTIVATE_TRANSFER_FUNCTION(sim_id), srv.ActivateTransferFunction, self)
self.__cle_edit_transfer_function = ROSCLEServiceWrapper(
SERVICE_EDIT_TRANSFER_FUNCTION(sim_id), srv.EditTransferFunction, self)
self.__cle_convert_transfer_function_raw_to_structured = ROSCLEServiceWrapper(
srv.ConvertTransferFunctionRawToStructured, self)
self.__cle_delete_transfer_function = ROSCLEServiceWrapper(
SERVICE_DELETE_TRANSFER_FUNCTION(sim_id), srv.DeleteTransferFunction, self)
self.__cle_get_brain = ROSCLEServiceWrapper(SERVICE_GET_BRAIN(sim_id), srv.GetBrain, self)
self.__cle_set_brain = ROSCLEServiceWrapper(SERVICE_SET_BRAIN(sim_id), srv.SetBrain, self)
self.__cle_get_populations = ROSCLEServiceWrapper(SERVICE_GET_POPULATIONS(sim_id),
srv.GetPopulations, self)
self.__cle_set_populations = ROSCLEServiceWrapper(SERVICE_SET_POPULATIONS(sim_id),
srv.SetPopulations, self)
self.__cle_get_CSV_recorders_files = ROSCLEServiceWrapper(
SERVICE_GET_CSV_RECORDERS_FILES(sim_id), srv.GetCSVRecordersFiles, self)
self.__simulation_recorder = ROSCLEServiceWrapper(
SERVICE_SIMULATION_RECORDER(sim_id), srv.SimulationRecorder, self)
self.__cle_get_robots = ROSCLEServiceWrapper(
SERVICE_GET_ROBOTS(sim_id), srv.GetRobots, self)
self.__cle_add_robot = ROSCLEServiceWrapper(SERVICE_ADD_ROBOT(sim_id), srv.AddRobot, self)
self.__cle_del_robot = ROSCLEServiceWrapper(
SERVICE_DEL_ROBOT(sim_id), srv.DeleteRobot, self)
self.__cle_set_robot_init_pose = ROSCLEServiceWrapper(
SERVICE_SET_EXC_ROBOT_POSE(sim_id), srv.ChangePose, self)
self.__cle_prepare_custom_model = ROSCLEServiceWrapper(
SERVICE_PREPARE_CUSTOM_MODEL(sim_id), srv.Resource, self)
self.__stop_reason = None
[docs] def stop_communication(self, reason):
Tells the client to stop all communication to the simulation server because of the given
:param reason: The reason why no more communication should be performed
self.__stop_reason = reason
[docs] def reset(self, reset_type, world_sdf=None, brain_path=None, populations=None):
Reset the simulation.
:param reset_type: Denotes the kind of reset the user wants to perform, details about
:param world_sdf: The world sdf
:param brain_path: The brain path for the reset
:param populations: To populations for the reset
reset types and details are given in the ResetSimulation service request message.
if self.__stop_reason is not None:
raise ROSCLEClientException(self.__stop_reason)
# TODO: Uniform response from ROS CLE services so that this could be done directly
# in the wrapper class
# cancel any simulation recording in progress, discard all if this is a full reset
# since the recorders/playback will break with simulator time reset
if reset_type == srv.ResetSimulationRequest.RESET_FULL:
if populations is not None:
for pop in populations:
_x = pop.name
if python3 or isinstance(_x, str):
_x = _x.encode('utf-8')
_x = str(_x)
pop.name = _x
if pop.step <= 0:
pop.step = 1
resp = self.__cle_reset(reset_type=reset_type,
world_sdf=world_sdf if world_sdf is not None else "",
brain_path=brain_path if brain_path is not None else "",
populations=populations if populations is not None else [])
if not resp.success:
raise ROSCLEClientException(resp.error_message)
[docs] def get_simulation_brain(self):
Get the brain of the running simulation
:return: dict with brain_data, brain_type, brain_populations and data_type
if self.__stop_reason is not None:
raise ROSCLEClientException(self.__stop_reason)
return self.__cle_get_brain()
[docs] def set_simulation_brain(self,
brain_type='py', data=None, data_type='text',
Set the brain of the running simulation (will pause the simulation)
:param brain_type: Type of the brain file ('h5' or 'py')
:param data: Contents of the brain file. Encoding given in field data_type
:param data_type: Type of the data field ('text' or 'base64')
:return: response of the cle
if self.__stop_reason is not None:
raise ROSCLEClientException(self.__stop_reason)
return self.__cle_set_brain(brain_type, data_type, data, brain_populations)
ReplaceBehaviorEnum = hbp_nrp_commons.enum('ASK_USER', 'REPLACE', 'NO_REPLACE')
[docs] def set_simulation_populations(self, brain_type, brain_populations,
Set the populations of the running simulation
:param brain_type: Type of the brain file ('h5' or 'py')
:param brain_populations: Contents of the brain file. Encoding given in field data_type
:param data_type: Type of the data field ('text' or 'base64')
:param change_population: a flag to select an action on population name change, currently
possible values are:
0 = ReplaceBehaviorEnum.ASK_USER ask permission to replace
1 = ReplaceBehaviorEnum.REPLACE replace old name with a new one
2 = ReplaceBehaviorEnum.NO_REPLACE proceed with no replace action
:return: response of the cle
if self.__stop_reason is not None:
raise ROSCLEClientException(self.__stop_reason)
return self.__cle_set_populations(brain_type,
[docs] @fallback_retval(([], []))
def get_simulation_transfer_functions(self):
Get the simulation transfer functions and their activation status
:returns: A tuple of parallel arrays of:
- strings containing the source code of the transfer functions
- their activation status
if self.__stop_reason is not None:
raise ROSCLEClientException(self.__stop_reason)
response = self.__cle_get_transfer_functions()
return response.transfer_functions, response.active
[docs] @fallback_retval(False)
def delete_simulation_transfer_function(self, transfer_function_name):
Delete the given transfer function
:param transfer_function_name: Name of the transfer function to delete
:return: True if the call to ROS is successful, False otherwise
if self.__stop_reason is not None:
raise ROSCLEClientException(self.__stop_reason)
return self.__cle_delete_transfer_function(transfer_function_name).success
[docs] def edit_simulation_transfer_function(self, transfer_function_name, transfer_function_source):
Edit the simulation transfer function's source code.
:param transfer_function_name: Name of the transfer function to modify
:param transfer_function_source: Source code of the transfer function
:returns: "" if the call to ROS is successful,
a string containing an error message otherwise
if self.__stop_reason is not None:
raise ROSCLEClientException(self.__stop_reason)
return self.__cle_edit_transfer_function(transfer_function_name, transfer_function_source) \
[docs] def add_simulation_transfer_function(self, transfer_function_source):
Add a new simulation transfer function source code.
:param transfer_function_source: Source code of the transfer function
:returns: "" if the call to ROS is successful,
a string containing an error message otherwise
if self.__stop_reason is not None:
raise ROSCLEClientException(self.__stop_reason)
return self.__cle_add_transfer_function(transfer_function_source).error_message
[docs] def activate_simulation_transfer_function(self, transfer_function_name,
activate_transfer_function): # pragma: no cover
Set the activation status of a transfer function
:param transfer_function_name: the name of the tf to be set
:param activate_transfer_function: the desired new activation status
if self.__stop_reason is not None:
raise ROSCLEClientException(self.__stop_reason)
return self.__cle_activate_transfer_function(transfer_function_name,
[docs] def convert_transfer_function_raw_to_structured(self, transfer_function):
Convert raw tf to structured tf
:param transfer_function: the transfer function in raw format
:return: a strucuted TF
if self.__stop_reason is not None:
raise ROSCLEClientException(self.__stop_reason)
result = self.__cle_convert_transfer_function_raw_to_structured(transfer_function.name,
return result
[docs] def get_populations(self):
Gets the neurons of the brain in the simulation
:return: populations as dict
populations = self.__cle_get_populations()
result = {
'populations': [
'name': p.name,
'neuron_model': p.neuron_model,
'parameters': ROSCLEClient.__convert_parameter_list(p.parameters),
'gids': p.gids,
'indices': p.indices
} for p in populations.neurons
return result
def __convert_parameter_list(parameters):
Gets the specified parameter list as dictionary
:param parameters: A list of NeuronParameters
:return: neuron parameters as list
return [
'parameterName': p.parameterName,
'value': p.value
} for p in parameters
[docs] @fallback_retval([])
def get_simulation_CSV_recorders_files(self):
Get the file paths of simulation's CSV recorders
:returns: An array of dictionaries
{name: 'my_recorder_file.csv', temporary_path: 'my_recorder_file_path'}
return self.__cle_get_CSV_recorders_files().files
[docs] def extend_simulation_timeout(self, timeout):
Extend the simulation timeout
:param timeout: new new simulation timeout
:returns: "" if the call to ROS is successful
return self.__cle_extend_timeout(str(timeout)).success
[docs] def command_simulation_recorder(self, command):
Issue a request/command to the simulation recorder
:param command: the command to issue, see SimulationRecorder.srv definition for types
:return: boolean value/success and message if provided
if self.__stop_reason is not None:
raise ROSCLEClientException(self.__stop_reason)
return self.__simulation_recorder(command)
[docs] @fallback_retval([])
def get_simulation_robots(self):
Get the robots in a simulation
:returns: List of robots in the simulation
if self.__stop_reason is not None:
raise ROSCLEClientException(self.__stop_reason)
response = self.__cle_get_robots()
return response.robots
[docs] @fallback_retval((False, "An error occurred while processing request."))
def add_simulation_robot(self, robot_id, robot_path, robot_model,
is_custom=False, initial_pose=None):
Add a new robot with the given information in the simulation
:param robot_id: id of the robot to be added
:param robot_path: name of the root folder
:param robot_model: if custom, it says the name of the custom model template name
if not custom, it is a relative path to the SDF or ZIP file
:param is_custom: path to a custom robot (zip)
:param initial_pose: initial pose of the robot
:return: True if the call to ROS is successful, False otherwise
if self.__stop_reason is not None:
raise ROSCLEClientException(self.__stop_reason)
pose = None
if initial_pose:
pose = msg.Pose(x=initial_pose.get('x', 0),
y=initial_pose.get('y', 0),
z=initial_pose.get('z', 0),
roll=initial_pose.get('roll', 0),
pitch=initial_pose.get('pitch', 0),
yaw=initial_pose.get('yaw', 0))
response = self.__cle_add_robot(
return response.success, response.error_message
[docs] @fallback_retval((False, "An error occurred while processing request."))
def delete_simulation_robot(self, robot_id):
Deletes a robot from the simulation
:param robot_id: id of the robot to be added
:return: True if the call to ROS is successful, False otherwise
if self.__stop_reason is not None:
raise ROSCLEClientException(self.__stop_reason)
response = self.__cle_del_robot(robot_id)
return response.success, response.error_message
[docs] @fallback_retval((False, "An error occurred while processing request."))
def set_simulation_robot_initial_pose(self, robot_id, new_pose):
Update initial robot pose of a give robot
:param robot_id: id of the robot to be added
:param new_pose: new initial pose of the robot
:return: True if the call to ROS is successful, False otherwise
if not new_pose:
return False, "New pose cannot be None"
if self.__stop_reason is not None:
raise ROSCLEClientException(self.__stop_reason)
pose = msg.Pose(x=new_pose.get('x', 0),
y=new_pose.get('y', 0),
z=new_pose.get('z', 0),
roll=new_pose.get('roll', 0),
pitch=new_pose.get('pitch', 0),
yaw=new_pose.get('yaw', 0))
response = self.__cle_set_robot_init_pose(robot_id, pose)
return response.success, response.error_message
[docs] @fallback_retval((False, "An error occurred while processing request."))
def download_file_in_simdir(self, resource_type, file_rel_path):
Download a file into the simulation directory
:param resource_type: type of the file. robots, environments, or brain
:param file_rel_path: relative path to the file
:return: True if the call to ROS is successful, False otherwise
response = self.__cle_prepare_custom_model(resource_type, file_rel_path, "download")
return response.success, response.error_message