Source code for hbp_nrp_commons

This package contains functionality shared across the NRP backend
from builtins import zip
from builtins import range
import sys

__author__ = "Georg Hinkel"

from hbp_nrp_commons.version import VERSION as __version__  # pylint: disable=W0611

python_version_major = sys.version_info.major

[docs]def enum(*sequential, **named): """ Create an enumeration Class. usage: MyEnum = enum('VALUE_1','VALUE_2','VALUE_3', VALUE_4=4) :param sequential: Values of the enum specified as positional string args :param named: Values of the enum specified as keyword args :return: A new Enum Type having as values the specified parameters """ enums = dict(list(zip(sequential, list(range(len(sequential))))), **named) return type('Enum', (), enums)