Source code for hbp_nrp_cleserver.server.ROSCLEServer

# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
# This file is part of the Neurorobotics Platform software
# Copyright (C) 2014,2015,2016,2017 Human Brain Project
# The Human Brain Project is a European Commission funded project
# in the frame of the Horizon2020 FET Flagship plan.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

ROS wrapper around the CLE
from builtins import range

__author__ = "Lorenzo Vannucci, Stefan Deser, Daniel Peppicelli, Georg Hinkel, Hossain Mahmud"

import json
import logging
import rospy
import time
import sys
from std_srvs.srv import Empty
import textwrap
import re
import struct
import itertools

from ._ExcBibiHandler import ExcBibiHandler
from ._RobotCallHandler import RobotCallHandler

from hbp_nrp_cleserver import python_version_major

if python_version_major < 3:
    from RestrictedPython.RCompile import RModule, RestrictionMutator # TODO NRRPLT-5767
    from RestrictedPython import compile_restricted

# This package comes from the catkin package ROSCLEServicesDefinitions
# in the GazeboRosPackages folder at the root of this CLE repository.
from hbp_nrp_cleserver.server.SimulationServer import SimulationServer, TimeoutType
from cle_ros_msgs import srv
from cle_ros_msgs.msg import CLEError, ExperimentPopulationInfo
from cle_ros_msgs.msg import PopulationInfo, NeuronParameter, CSVRecordedFile
from . import ros_handler
import hbp_nrp_cleserver.bibi_config.StructuredTransferFunction as StructuredTransferFunction
import hbp_nrp_cle.tf_framework as tf_framework
from hbp_nrp_cle.tf_framework import TFLoadingException, BrainParameterException
import base64
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from hbp_nrp_cleserver.bibi_config.notificator import Notificator, NotificatorHandler
from hbp_nrp_cleserver.server.SimulationServerLifecycle import SimulationServerLifecycle
from hbp_nrp_commons.bibi_functions import find_changed_strings
from hbp_nrp_cleserver.server.CSVLogger import CSVLogger

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# We use the logger hbp_nrp_cle.user_notifications in the CLE to log
# information that is useful to know for the user.
# In here, we forward any info message sent to this logger to the notificator
gazebo_logger = logging.getLogger('hbp_nrp_cle.user_notifications')
notificator_handler = NotificatorHandler()

[docs]def extract_line_number(tb, filename="<string>"): """ Extracts the line number of the given traceback or returns -1 :param tb: The traceback with the original error information :param filename: the absolute path to the file of the code that has raised the error, "<string>" otherwise. """ # find the base of the traceback stack (where the exception has been raised) prev = current = tb while current is not None: prev = current current = current.tb_next if prev.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename == filename: return prev.tb_lineno return -1
# pylint: disable=R0902 # the attributes are reasonable in this case
[docs]class ROSCLEServer(SimulationServer): """ A ROS server wrapper around the Closed Loop Engine. """ def __init__(self, sim_id, timeout, timeout_type, gzserver, notificator): """ Create the wrapper server :param sim_id: The simulation id :param timeout: The simulation timeout :param timeout_type: The type of simulation timeout :param gzserver: Gazebo simulator launch/control instance :param notificator: ROS state/error notificator interface """ super(ROSCLEServer, self).__init__(sim_id, timeout, timeout_type, gzserver, notificator) self.__cle = None self._robotHandler = None self._excBibiHandler = None self._csv_logger = None self.__service_get_transfer_functions = None self.__service_add_transfer_function = None self.__service_edit_transfer_function = None self.__service_activate_transfer_function = None self.__service_convert_transfer_function_raw_to_structured = None self.__service_delete_transfer_function = None self.__service_get_brain = None self.__service_set_brain = None self.__service_set_populations = None self.__service_get_populations = None self.__service_get_CSV_recorders_files = None self.__service_clean_CSV_recorders_files = None self.__service_get_robots = None self.__service_add_robot = None self.__service_del_robot = None self.__service_set_exc_robot_pose = None self.__service_prepare_custom_model = None self._tuple2slice = (lambda x: slice(*x) if isinstance(x, tuple) else x) # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] def publish_error(self, source_type, error_type, message, severity=CLEError.SEVERITY_ERROR, function_name="", line_number=-1, offset=-1, line_text="", file_name="", do_log=True): """ Publishes an error and takes appropriate action if necessary :param source_type: The module the error message comes from, e.g. "Transfer Function" :param error_type: The error type, e.g. "Compile" :param message: The error message description, e.g. unexpected indent :param severity: The severity of the error :param function_name: The function name, if available :param line_number: The line number where the error occurred :param offset: The offset :param line_text: The text of the line causing the error :param file_name: :param do_log: log the error on the default logger, do not log otherwise """ if do_log and severity >= CLEError.SEVERITY_ERROR: logger.exception("Error in %s (%s): %s", source_type, error_type, message) self._notificator.publish_error( CLEError(severity, source_type, error_type, message, function_name, line_number, offset, line_text, file_name)) if self.lifecycle is not None: if severity == CLEError.SEVERITY_MAJOR: self.lifecycle.accept_command('paused') elif severity == CLEError.SEVERITY_CRITICAL: self.lifecycle.failed()
def __tf_except_hook(self, tf, tf_error, tb): """ Handles an exception in the Transfer Functions :param tf: The transfer function that crashed :param tf_error: The exception that was thrown :param tb: The original traceback """ if tf.updated: self.publish_error(CLEError.SOURCE_TYPE_TRANSFER_FUNCTION, "Runtime", str(tf_error), severity=CLEError.SEVERITY_ERROR,, line_number=extract_line_number(tb)) @property def simulation_time(self): return self.__cle.simulation_time @property def cle(self): """ Gets the Closed Loop Engine referenced by this server """ return self.__cle @cle.setter def cle(self, value): """ Sets the Closed Loop Engine of this server """ self.__cle = value
[docs] def setup_handlers(self, assembly): # pragma: no cover """ Sets up different call handlers for the current assembly. :param assembly: CLE assembly of the current simulation :return: """ self._robotHandler = RobotCallHandler(assembly) self._excBibiHandler = ExcBibiHandler(assembly) self._csv_logger = CSVLogger(assembly)
def _create_lifecycle(self, except_hook): """ Creates the lifecycle for the current simulation :param except_hook: An exception handler :return: The created lifecycle """ return SimulationServerLifecycle(self.simulation_id, self.cle, self, except_hook)
[docs] def prepare_simulation(self, except_hook=None): """ The CLE will be initialized within this method and ROS services for starting, pausing, stopping and resetting are setup here. :param cle: the closed loop engine :param except_hook: A handler method for critical exceptions """ super(ROSCLEServer, self).prepare_simulation(except_hook)"Registering ROS Service handlers") self.__service_get_transfer_functions = rospy.Service( SERVICE_GET_TRANSFER_FUNCTIONS(self.simulation_id), srv.GetTransferFunctions, self.__get_transfer_function_sources_and_activation ) self.__service_add_transfer_function = rospy.Service( SERVICE_ADD_TRANSFER_FUNCTION(self.simulation_id), srv.AddTransferFunction, self.__add_transfer_function ) self.__service_edit_transfer_function = rospy.Service( SERVICE_EDIT_TRANSFER_FUNCTION(self.simulation_id), srv.EditTransferFunction, self.__edit_transfer_function ) self.__service_activate_transfer_function = rospy.Service( SERVICE_ACTIVATE_TRANSFER_FUNCTION(self.simulation_id), srv.ActivateTransferFunction, self.__activate_transfer_function ) self.__service_convert_transfer_function_raw_to_structured = rospy.Service( SERVICE_CONVERT_TRANSFER_FUNCTION_RAW_TO_STRUCTURED(self.simulation_id), srv.ConvertTransferFunctionRawToStructured, self.__convert_transfer_function_raw_to_structured ) self.__service_delete_transfer_function = rospy.Service( SERVICE_DELETE_TRANSFER_FUNCTION(self.simulation_id), srv.DeleteTransferFunction, self.__delete_transfer_function ) self.__service_get_brain = rospy.Service( SERVICE_GET_BRAIN(self.simulation_id), srv.GetBrain, self.__get_brain ) self.__service_set_brain = rospy.Service( SERVICE_SET_BRAIN(self.simulation_id), srv.SetBrain, self.__try_set_brain ) self.__service_get_populations = rospy.Service( SERVICE_GET_POPULATIONS(self.simulation_id), srv.GetPopulations, self.__get_populations ) self.__service_set_populations = rospy.Service( SERVICE_SET_POPULATIONS(self.simulation_id), srv.SetPopulations, self.__try_set_populations ) self.__service_get_CSV_recorders_files = rospy.Service( SERVICE_GET_CSV_RECORDERS_FILES(self.simulation_id), srv.GetCSVRecordersFiles, self.__get_CSV_recorders_files ) self.__service_clean_CSV_recorders_files = rospy.Service( SERVICE_CLEAN_CSV_RECORDERS_FILES(self.simulation_id), Empty, self.__clean_CSV_recorders_files ) self.__service_get_robots = rospy.Service( SERVICE_GET_ROBOTS(self.simulation_id), srv.GetRobots, self.__get_robots ) self.__service_add_robot = rospy.Service( SERVICE_ADD_ROBOT(self.simulation_id), srv.AddRobot, self.__add_robot ) self.__service_del_robot = rospy.Service( SERVICE_DEL_ROBOT(self.simulation_id), srv.DeleteRobot, self.__delete_robot ) self.__service_set_exc_robot_pose = rospy.Service( SERVICE_SET_EXC_ROBOT_POSE(self.simulation_id), srv.ChangePose, self.__set_robot_initial_pose ) self.__service_prepare_custom_model = rospy.Service( SERVICE_PREPARE_CUSTOM_MODEL(self.simulation_id), srv.Resource, self.__prepare_custom_model ) tf_framework.TransferFunction.excepthook = self.__tf_except_hook tf_framework.TF_API.set_ros_cle_server(self) if self.timeout_type == TimeoutType.SIMULATION: self.__cle.sim_timeout_callback = self.get_remaining
# pylint: disable=unused-argument def __get_populations(self, request): """ Gets the populations available in the neural network """ def flatten(h_list): """ :param h_list: is a homogeneous list of depth 1 Either a list of values or a list of flat iterables """ try: f_list = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(h_list)) except TypeError: f_list = h_list return f_list return srv.GetPopulationsResponse( [PopulationInfo(str(, str(p.celltype), ROSCLEServer.__convert_parameters(p.parameters), p.gids, flatten(p.indices)) # flatten to allow serialization for p in self.__cle.bca.get_populations()] ) # pylint: disable=unused-argument, no-self-use def __get_CSV_recorders_files(self, request): """ Return the recorder file names, headers, and values """ return srv.GetCSVRecordersFilesResponse([CSVRecordedFile(recorded_file[0], recorded_file[1], recorded_file[2]) for recorded_file in tf_framework.dump_csv_recorder_to_files()]) # pylint: disable=unused-argument, no-self-use @ros_handler def __clean_CSV_recorders_files(self, request): """ Remove temporary recorders files from the server """ tf_framework.clean_csv_recorders_files() @staticmethod def __convert_parameters(parameters): """ Converts the given parameters to ROS types :param parameters: A parameter dictionary :return: A list of ROS-compatible neuron parameters """ ros_parameters = [] for k, v in parameters.items(): if isinstance(v, float): try: # tests if it can be packaged as float. This operation is performed by ROS # service proxy before # sending a request struct.pack('<f', v) except OverflowError: # replaces v by maximum float which can be packaged. More info here: # v = 3.4e38"Neuron Parameter %s with value %s can't be converted to a " "ROS type", k, v) finally: ros_parameters += [NeuronParameter(str(k), v)] return ros_parameters # pylint: disable=unused-argument, no-self-use def __get_brain(self, request): """ Returns the current neuronal network model. By default we do assume that if the sources are not available, the model comes from a h5 file. This has to be refined once we will be more confident in the fate of the h5 files. :param request: The rospy request parameter :return: an array compatible with the GetBrain.srv ROS service """ braintype = "h5" data_type = "base64" brain_code = "N/A" if tf_framework.get_brain_source(): braintype = "py" data_type = "text" brain_code = tf_framework.get_brain_source() return [braintype, brain_code, data_type, json.dumps(tf_framework.get_brain_populations())] # FIXME # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks, inconsistent-return-statements
[docs] @staticmethod def change_transfer_function_for_population(change_population_mode, old_population_name, new_population_name, transfer_functions): """ Modifies a single population name. Returns a value if needs user input. :param change_population_mode: The change population mode (as defined in SetPopulationsRequest) :param old_population_name: The old name of the population :param new_population_name: The new name of the population :param transfer_functions: The transfer functions to which the population change should be applied to. """ for tf in transfer_functions: tf_has_changed = False for i in range(1, len(tf.params)): if hasattr(tf.params[i], 'spec'): spec = tf.params[i].spec if hasattr(spec, 'neurons'): mapping = spec.neurons if mapping is not None: node = None # required item is either neurons or its parent if str( == old_population_name: node = mapping elif str( == old_population_name: node = mapping.parent if node is not None: if change_population_mode == \ srv.SetPopulationsRequest.ASK_RENAME_POPULATION: # here we send a reply to the frontend to ask # the user a permission to change TFs return ["we ask the user if we change TFs", 0, 0, 1] elif change_population_mode == \ srv.SetPopulationsRequest.DO_RENAME_POPULATION: # permission granted, so we change TFs = new_population_name tf_has_changed = True if tf_has_changed: source = tf.source pattern = re.compile(rf'(?:(?<=\W)|^)({old_population_name})(?:(?=\W)|$)') modified_source = pattern.sub(new_population_name, source) if not modified_source == source: tf.source = modified_source
[docs] def change_transfer_functions(self, change_population, old_changed, new_added, transfer_functions): """ Modifies population names. Returns a value if needs user input. :param change_population: The change population mode (as defined in SetPopulationsRequest) :param old_changed: A list of old population names :param new_added: A list of new population names :param transfer_functions: The transfer functions to which the changes should be applied """ for old_changed_el, new_added_el in zip(old_changed, new_added): r = self.change_transfer_function_for_population(change_population, str(old_changed_el), str(new_added_el), transfer_functions) if r is not None: return r
def __try_set_populations(self, request): """ Tries set the neuronal network according to the given request. If it fails, it restores the previous neuronal network. :param request: The mandatory rospy request parameter """ running = self.__cle.running if running: self.__cle.stop() return_value = self.__set_populations(request.brain_populations, request.data_type, request.change_population) if not return_value: # failed to set new brain, we reset previous valid brain _, _, prev_data_type, prev_brain_pops_json = \ self.__get_brain(None) self.__set_populations(prev_brain_pops_json, prev_data_type, request.change_population) else: # NOTE: in the frontend brain editor, # this message is not listened to (just 'setbrain' is) self._notificator.publish_state(json.dumps({"action": "updatePopulations"})) if running: self.__cle.start() return return_value def __set_populations(self, brain_populations, data_type, change_population): # pragma: no cover """ Sets the populations into the brain :param brain_populations: A JSON formatted dictionary indexed by population names and containing neuron indices. Neuron indices could be defined by individual integers, lists of integers. :param data_type: Type of the brain_data field ('text' or 'base64') :param change_population: a flag to select an action on population name change, currently possible values are: 0 ask user for permission to replace; 1 (permission granted) replace old name with a new one; 2 proceed with no replace action """ return_value = '' try: self.__cle.load_populations(json.loads(brain_populations)) if change_population: return_value = self.__rename_populations(data_type, brain_populations, change_population) except AttributeError as e: logger.exception(e) return_value = e.args[0] if e.args else e except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except logger.exception(e) return_value = e.args[0] if e.args else e return return_value def __rename_populations(self, data_type, brain_populations, change_population): # pragma: no cover """ Checks whether the given brain change request load_brain_and_populations( is valid :param data_type: The data type :param brain_populations: The brain populations :param change_population: A flag indicating whether populations should be changed :return: Success in case everything is alright, otherwise an error message tuple """ if data_type not in ('text', 'base64'): return ["Data type {0} is invalid".format(data_type), 0, 0, 0] new_populations = [str(item) for item in list(json.loads(brain_populations).keys())] old_populations = [ str(item) for item in list(tf_framework.get_brain_populations().keys())] old_changed = find_changed_strings(old_populations, new_populations) new_added = find_changed_strings(new_populations, old_populations) if len(new_added) == len(old_changed) >= 1: transfer_functions = tf_framework.get_transfer_functions( flawed=False) check_var_name_re = re.compile(r'^([a-zA-Z_]+\w*)$') for item in new_added: if not check_var_name_re.match(item): return f"Provided name {item} is not a valid population name" return self.change_transfer_functions(change_population, old_changed, new_added, transfer_functions) elif old_changed and len(new_added) > len(old_changed): return "Renamed populations must be applied separately. \ Please apply the renaming before proceeding with other changes." return '' def __try_set_brain(self, request): """ Tries set the neuronal network according to the given request. If it fails, it restores the previous neuronal network. :param request: The mandatory rospy request parameter """ running = self.__cle.running if running: self.__cle.stop() return_value = self.__set_brain(request.brain_type, request.data_type, request.brain_data, request.brain_populations) if return_value[0] != "": prev_b_type, prev_b_code, prev_data_type, prev_b_populations = self.__get_brain(None) # failed to set new brain, we reset previous valid brain self.__set_brain(prev_b_type, prev_data_type, prev_b_code, prev_b_populations) else: self._notificator.publish_state(json.dumps({"action": "setbrain"})) if running: self.__cle.start() return return_value def __set_brain(self, brain_type, data_type, brain_data, brain_populations): # pragma: no cover """ Sets the neuronal network according to the given parameters :param brain_type: Type of the brain file ('h5' or 'py') :param data_type: Type of the brain_data field ('text' or 'base64') :param brain_data: Contents of the brain file. Encoding given in field data_type :param brain_populations: A dictionary indexed by population names and containing neuron indices. Neuron indices could be defined by individual integers, lists of integers or python slices. Python slices are defined by a dictionary containing the 'from', 'to' and 'step' values. """ try: return_value = ["", 0, 0] with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='brain', suffix=f'.{brain_type}', delete=False, mode='w') as tmp: with tmp.file as brain_file: if data_type == "text": brain_file.write(brain_data) else: brain_file.write(base64.decodebytes(brain_data)) self.__cle.load_brain(, json.loads(brain_populations)) except ValueError as e: logger.exception(e) return_value = [f"Population format is invalid: {e}", 0, 0] except SyntaxError as e: logger.exception(e) return_value = [f"The new brain could not be parsed: {e}", e.lineno, e.offset] except AttributeError as e: logger.exception(e) line_no = extract_line_number(sys.exc_info()[2], message = e.args[0] if e.args else e return_value = [f"The new brain has an error: {message}", line_no, 0] except BrainParameterException as e: logger.exception(e) return_value = [e.message, -1, -1] except Exception as e: # pylint:disable=broad-except message = e if e.args: message = e.args[0] if isinstance(e.args[0], list): message = [ex.message for ex in e.args[0]] logger.exception(message) line_no = extract_line_number(sys.exc_info()[2], return_value = [f"Error changing neuronal network: {message}", line_no, 0] return return_value # pylint: disable=unused-argument def __get_transfer_function_sources_and_activation(self, request, send_errors=True): """ Return the source code of the transfer functions and its activity state in a tuple of parallel lists. :param request: The mandatory rospy request parameter :param send_errors: when available, send error messages on the cle_error topic :return: A tuple (tf_sources, tf_activation_state) """ tfs = tf_framework.get_transfer_functions() tf_arr = [] arr_active_mask = [] for tf in tfs: tf_arr.append(tf.source) arr_active_mask.append( if send_errors and hasattr(tf, 'error'): # tf may not have an error member self._publish_error_from_exception(tf.error, return tf_arr, arr_active_mask @staticmethod def __get_transfer_function_activation(tf_name): # pragma: no cover """ Return the activation status of the transfer function :param tf_name: string holding the name of a transfer function :return: boolean value which is True if the transfer function is activated, False otherwise :raise: A **ValueError** exception is raised if the transfer function tf_name is not found """ for tf in tf_framework.get_transfer_functions(): if == tf_name: return raise ValueError( "__get_transfer_function_activation: TF {} not found".format(tf_name)) @staticmethod def __get_transfer_function_priority(tf_name): # pragma: no cover """ Return the Priority of the transfer function :param tf_name: string holding the name of a transfer function :raise: A ValueError exception is raised if the transfer function tf_name is not found """ for tf in tf_framework.get_transfer_functions(): if == tf_name: return tf.priority raise ValueError( "__get_transfer_function_priority: TF {} not found".format(tf_name)) def _publish_error_from_exception(self, exception, tf_name): """ Publish an error message on the error topic, populating the message using the information in exception :param exception: the exception from which to create the message to be sent :param tf_name: the name of the transfer function that caused the error """ if isinstance(exception, ValueError): self.publish_error(CLEError.SOURCE_TYPE_TRANSFER_FUNCTION, "Loading", "Duplicate Definition Name", function_name=tf_name, do_log=False) elif isinstance(exception, SyntaxError): self.publish_error(CLEError.SOURCE_TYPE_TRANSFER_FUNCTION, "Compile", str(exception), severity=CLEError.SEVERITY_ERROR, function_name=tf_name, line_number=exception.lineno, offset=exception.offset, line_text=exception.text, file_name=exception.filename, do_log=False) elif isinstance(exception, Exception): self.publish_error(CLEError.SOURCE_TYPE_TRANSFER_FUNCTION, "Compile", str(exception), severity=CLEError.SEVERITY_ERROR, function_name=tf_name, do_log=False) def __check_duplicate_tf_name(self, tf_name): """ Internal helper to check whether a transfer function name already exists, excluding flawed transfer function. :param tf_name: transfer function name to be checked. :return: Raises a ValueError if name already exists. Returns nothing otherwise. """ tfs, _ = self.__get_transfer_function_sources_and_activation(None, send_errors=False) for tf_name_ in [self.get_tf_name(tf)[1] for tf in tfs]: # compare the names but only if it's not a flawed TF if tf_name_ == tf_name and not tf_framework.get_flawed_transfer_function(tf_name_): raise ValueError("Duplicate definition name") def __add_transfer_function(self, request): """ Adds a new transfer function :param request: The ROS Service request message (cle_ros_msgs.srv.AddTransferFunction) :return: empty string for a successful compilation in restricted mode (executed synchronously), an error message otherwise. """ return self.__set_transfer_function(request, True) def __edit_transfer_function(self, request): """ Modifies an existing transfer function :param request: The mandatory rospy request parameter :return: empty string for a successful compilation in restricted mode (executed synchronously), an error message otherwise. """ if tf_framework.get_flawed_transfer_function(request.transfer_function_name): return self.__set_flawed_transfer_function(request) else: return self.__set_transfer_function(request, False) def __activate_transfer_function(self, request): """ Set the activation state of a Transfer Function :param request: The mandatory rospy request parameter :return: empty string if successful, an error message otherwise. """ original_name = request.transfer_function_name activate = request.activate tf_to_activate = tf_framework.get_transfer_function(original_name) message = "" if tf_to_activate is None: message = "Can't change {} activation status: " \ "Transfer Function not found".format(original_name) self.publish_error(CLEError.SOURCE_TYPE_TRANSFER_FUNCTION, "NoOrMultipleNames", message, severity=CLEError.SEVERITY_ERROR) else: tf_framework.activate_transfer_function(tf_to_activate, activate) return message def __set_flawed_transfer_function(self, request): """ Patch a flawed transfer function. This method is called when editing a flawed transfer function. If the new code is loaded without any error, the flawed transfer function is "promoted" to a proper TF. :param request: The mandatory rospy request parameter :return: empty string if successful, an error message otherwise. """ tf_name = request.transfer_function_name tf_framework.delete_flawed_transfer_function(tf_name) return self.__set_transfer_function(request, True) # TODO re-implement NRRPLT-5767 for python3 def __compile(self, source): """ Compiles code source with customized rules """ class FileRestrictionMutator(RestrictionMutator): """ Custom RestrictionMutator ie: accepts accessing to private attribute '__file__' """ ALLOWED_ATTRS = set(['__file__']) def checkAttrName(self, node): """ checkAttrName """ if node.attrname in self.ALLOWED_ATTRS: return return RestrictionMutator.checkAttrName(self, node) gen = RModule(source, '<string>') gen.rm = FileRestrictionMutator() gen.compile() return gen.getCode() # pylint: disable=R0911,too-many-branches,too-many-statements,too-many-locals def __set_transfer_function(self, request, new): """ Patch a transfer function. This method is called when adding or editing a transfer function. :param request: The mandatory rospy request parameter :param new: A boolean indicating whether a transfer function is being added or modified. :raises ValueError: when new is false (edit TF) and the TF named request.transfer_function_name does not exist :return: empty string for a successful compilation in restricted mode (executed synchronously), an error message otherwise. """ new_source = textwrap.dedent(request.transfer_function_source)"About to compile transfer function with the following python code: \n %s", repr(new_source)) # Make sure the TF has exactly one function definition get_tf_name_outcome, get_tf_name_outcome_value = self.get_tf_name(new_source) if get_tf_name_outcome is True: new_name = get_tf_name_outcome_value else: error_message = get_tf_name_outcome_value self.publish_error(CLEError.SOURCE_TYPE_TRANSFER_FUNCTION, "NoOrMultipleNames", error_message, severity=CLEError.SEVERITY_ERROR, function_name=getattr(request, 'transfer_function_name', "no_name")) return error_message if not new: original_name = request.transfer_function_name else: original_name = None # Make sure function name is not a duplicate if new or (new_name != original_name): try: self.__check_duplicate_tf_name(new_name) except ValueError as value_e: message = "duplicate Transfer Function name" # Select the correct function to highlight function_name = new_name if original_name is None else original_name self._publish_error_from_exception(value_e, new_name) if new: tf_framework.set_flawed_transfer_function(new_source, function_name, value_e) return message # Compile (synchronously) transfer function's new code in restricted mode new_code = None try: if python_version_major < 3: new_code = self.__compile(new_source) else: new_code = compile_restricted(new_source, '<string>', 'exec') # TODO NRRPLT-5767 # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception as e: message = "Error while compiling the updated " \ f"transfer function named {new_name}" \ f" in restricted mode.\n{e}" if new: tf_framework.set_flawed_transfer_function(new_source, new_name, e) self._publish_error_from_exception(e, new_name) return message # Make sure CLE is stopped. If already stopped, these calls are harmless. # (Execution of updated code is asynchronous) running = self.__cle.running err = "" if running: self.__cle.stop() # Try to load the TF # When editing a TF (i.e. not new), delete it before loading the new one activation = True priority = 0 if not new and original_name is not None: activation = self.__get_transfer_function_activation(original_name) priority = self.__get_transfer_function_priority(original_name) tf_framework.delete_transfer_function(original_name) try: tf_framework.set_transfer_function( new_source, new_code, new_name, priority=priority, activation=activation) except TFLoadingException as e: tf_framework.set_flawed_transfer_function(new_source, new_name, e) self.publish_error(CLEError.SOURCE_TYPE_TRANSFER_FUNCTION, "Loading", e.message, severity=CLEError.SEVERITY_ERROR, function_name=new_name) err = e.message if running: self.__cle.start() return err
[docs] @staticmethod def get_tf_name(source): """ Check whether the function has a single definition name :param source: Transfer function source code :return: True and Function name if found, False and error message if none or multiple found """ src = source if isinstance(source, str) else source.decode() m = re.findall(r"(?:\n|^)def\s+(\w+)\s*\(", src) len_m = len(m) if len_m != 1: if len_m == 0: error_msg = "New Transfer Function has no definition name." else: error_msg = "New Transfer Function has multiple definition names." error_msg += " Compilation aborted" return False, error_msg return True, m[0]
def __set_structured_transfer_function(self, request): """ Patch a structured transfer function :param request: The mandatory rospy request parameter :return: empty string for a successful compilation in restricted mode (executed synchronously), an error message otherwise. """ edit_tf_request = srv.EditTransferFunctionRequest() edit_tf_request.transfer_function_name = edit_tf_request.transfer_function_source = \ StructuredTransferFunction.generate_code_from_structured_tf(request.transfer_function) return self.__set_transfer_function(edit_tf_request, False) def __convert_transfer_function_raw_to_structured(self, request): """ Convert a raw tf to structured format :param request: The mandatory rospy request parameter :return: The converted TF.__conv """ new_source = textwrap.dedent(request.transfer_function_source) return StructuredTransferFunction.extract_structure(new_source), None def __delete_transfer_function(self, request): """ Delete an existing transfer function :param request: The mandatory rospy request parameter :return: True if the delete was successful, False if the transfer function does not exist. """ running = self.__cle.running if running: self.__cle.stop() ret = tf_framework.delete_transfer_function(request.transfer_function_name) if running: self.__cle.start() return ret def _create_state_message(self): return { 'realTime': int(self.__cle.real_time), 'transferFunctionsElapsedTime': self.__cle.tf_elapsed_time(), 'brainsimElapsedTime': self.__cle.brainsim_elapsed_time(), 'robotsimElapsedTime': self.__cle.robotsim_elapsed_time() }
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ Shutdown the cle server """ super(ROSCLEServer, self).shutdown() # kill the csv logger thread if self._csv_logger is not None: self._csv_logger.shutdown() # the cle and services are initialized in prepare_simulation, which is not # guaranteed to have occurred before shutdown is called if self.__cle is not None:"Shutting down the closed loop service") self.__cle.shutdown() time.sleep(2)"Shutting down get_transfer_functions service") self.__service_get_transfer_functions.shutdown() self.__service_convert_transfer_function_raw_to_structured.shutdown()"Shutting down activate_transfer_function service") self.__service_activate_transfer_function.shutdown()"Shutting down add_transfer_function service") self.__service_add_transfer_function.shutdown()"Shutting down set_transfer_function services") self.__service_edit_transfer_function.shutdown()"Shutting down delete_transfer_function services") self.__service_delete_transfer_function.shutdown()"Shutting down get_brain service") self.__service_get_brain.shutdown()"Shutting down set_brain service") self.__service_set_brain.shutdown()"Shutting down get_populations service") self.__service_set_populations.shutdown()"Shutting down get_populations service") self.__service_get_populations.shutdown()"Shutting down get_CSV_recorders_files service") self.__service_get_CSV_recorders_files.shutdown()"Shutting down clean_CSV_recorders_files service") self.__service_clean_CSV_recorders_files.shutdown()"Shutting down get_robots service") self.__service_get_robots.shutdown()"Shutting down add_robot service") self.__service_add_robot.shutdown()"Shutting down delete_robot service") self.__service_del_robot.shutdown()"Shutting down set_robot_initial_pose service") self.__service_set_exc_robot_pose.shutdown()"Shutting down prepare_custom_model service") self.__service_prepare_custom_model.shutdown()
def _reset_world(self, request): """ Helper function for reset() call, it handles the RESET_WORLD message. :param request: the ROS service request message (cle_ros_msgs.srv.ResetSimulation). """ sdf_world_string = request.world_sdf with self._notificator.task_notifier("Resetting Environment", "Emptying 3D world"): if sdf_world_string is not None and sdf_world_string != "": self.__cle.reset_world(sdf_world_string) else: self.__cle.reset_world() def _reset_brain(self, request): """ Helper function for reset() call, it handles the RESET_BRAIN message. :param request: the ROS service request message (cle_ros_msgs.srv.ResetSimulation). """ brain_temp_path = request.brain_path neurons_conf = request.populations with self._notificator.task_notifier("Resetting brain model", ""): if brain_temp_path is not None and brain_temp_path != "": network_conf_orig = { self._get_population_value(p) for p in neurons_conf} self.__cle.reset_brain(brain_temp_path, network_conf_orig) else: self.__cle.reset_brain() def _reset_robot_pose(self): """ Helper function for reset() call, it handles the RESET_ROBOT_POSE message. """ self.__cle.reset_robot_poses() with self._notificator.task_notifier("Resetting the robots poses", ""): self._notificator.update_task("Restoring the robots poses", False, True) self.__cle.reset_robot_poses() def _reset_full(self, request): """ Helper function for reset() call, it handles the RESET_FULL message. :param request: the ROS service request message (cle_ros_msgs.srv.ResetSimulation). """ self._reset_robot_pose() self._reset_world(request) self._reset_brain(request) # Member added by transitions library # pylint: disable=no-member self.lifecycle.initialized()
[docs] def start_fetching_gazebo_logs(self): """ Starts to fetch the logs from gazebo and putting them as notifications """ gazebo_logger.handlers.append(notificator_handler) Notificator.register_notification_function( lambda subtask, update_progress: self._notificator.update_task(subtask, update_progress, True))
[docs] def stop_fetching_gazebo_logs(self): """ Stop fetching logs from gazebo and putting them as notifications """ gazebo_logger.handlers.remove(notificator_handler)
# pylint: disable=broad-except
[docs] def reset_simulation(self, request): """ Handler for the CLE reset() call. :param request: the ROS service request message (cle_ros_msgs.srv.ResetSimulation). """ rsr = srv.ResetSimulationRequest reset_type = request.reset_type if reset_type == rsr.RESET_OLD: # Member added by transitions library # pylint: disable=no-member self.lifecycle.initialized() else: try: self.start_fetching_gazebo_logs() if reset_type == rsr.RESET_ROBOT_POSE: self._reset_robot_pose() elif reset_type == rsr.RESET_WORLD: self._reset_world(request) elif reset_type == rsr.RESET_BRAIN: self._reset_brain(request) elif reset_type == rsr.RESET_FULL: self._reset_full(request) # reset csv loggers if self._csv_logger: self._csv_logger.reset() except Exception as e: return False, str(e) finally: self.stop_fetching_gazebo_logs() return True, ""
# FIXME # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements @staticmethod def _get_population_value(population_info): """ Retrieves the population value given the type of the population :param population_info: The serialized population info object :return: The population value """ if population_info.type == ExperimentPopulationInfo.TYPE_POPULATION_SPINNAKER: return if population_info.type == ExperimentPopulationInfo.TYPE_ENTIRE_POPULATION: return None if population_info.type == ExperimentPopulationInfo.TYPE_POPULATION_SLICE: return slice(population_info.start, population_info.stop, population_info.step) if population_info.type == ExperimentPopulationInfo.TYPE_POPULATION_LISTVIEW: return population_info.ids def __get_robots(self, request): """ :param request: rospy parameters sent from ROSCLEClient defined at GetRobot.srv in GazeboRosPackages :return: robots: List of robots """ robots = self._robotHandler.get_robots() return srv.GetRobotsResponse(robots) def __add_robot(self, request): """ :param request: rospy parameters sent from ROSCLEClient defined at AddRobot.srv in GazeboRosPackages :return: Successfully added. (success, error_message) = (True, None) or (False, error_message) """ rinfo = request.robot ret, status = self._robotHandler.add_robot(robot_id=rinfo.robot_id, robot_path=rinfo.robot_path, robot_model=rinfo.robot_model, is_custom=rinfo.is_custom, pose=rinfo.pose) if ret: # add new tag into bibi and exc try: self._excBibiHandler.add_robotpose(rinfo.robot_id, rinfo.pose) self._excBibiHandler.add_bodymodel(rinfo.robot_id, status, rinfo.robot_model) except Exception as e: logger.error("An error occurred while updating exc and bibi for the newly added " "robot %s", str(e)) return srv.AddRobotResponse(success=ret, error_message=status) def __delete_robot(self, request): """ Deletes a robot from the simulation :param request: rospy parameters sent from ROSCLEClient defined at DeleteRobot.srv in GazeboROSPackages :return: Successfully added. (success, error_message) = (True, None) or (False, error_message) """ try: ret, status = self._robotHandler.delete_robot(robot_id=request.robot_id) except Exception as e: logger.error("An error occurred while updating exc and bibi for the newly added " "robot %s", str(e)) if ret: # removes tags from the bibi and exc try: self._excBibiHandler.delete_robotpose(request.robot_id) self._excBibiHandler.delete_bodymodel(request.robot_id) except Exception as e: logger.error("An error occurred while updating exc and bibi for the newly added " "robot %s", str(e)) return srv.DeleteRobotResponse(success=ret, error_message=status) def __set_robot_initial_pose(self, request): """ :param request: rospy parameters sent from ROSCLEClient defined at ChangePose.srv in GazeboROSPackages :return: Successfully added. (success, error_message) = (True, None) or (False, error_message) """ try: ret, status = self._excBibiHandler.update_robotpose(request.object_id, request.new_pose) except Exception as e: logger.error("An error occurred while updating exc and bibi for the newly added " "robot %s", str(e)) return srv.ChangePoseResponse(success=ret, error_message=status) def __prepare_custom_model(self, request): """ :param request: rospy parameters sent from ROSCLEClient defined at ChangePose.srv in GazeboRosPackages :return: Successfully added. (success, error_message) = (True, None) or (False, error_message) """ if request.resource_type == "robots": try: ret, status = self._robotHandler.prepare_robot(request.resource_path) # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception as e: logger.error("An error occurred while preparing custom model %s", str(e)) else: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented") return srv.ResourceResponse(success=ret, error_message=status)