# This file is part of the Neurorobotics Platform software
# Copyright (C) 2014,2015,2016,2017 Human Brain Project
# https://www.humanbrainproject.eu
# The Human Brain Project is a European Commission funded project
# in the frame of the Horizon2020 FET Flagship plan.
# http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/h2020-section/fet-flagships
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Contains a library of transfer functions
# import sensor_msgs.msg
from __future__ import division
from builtins import object
from cv_bridge import CvBridge
import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import logging
__author__ = 'GeorgHinkel, AlessandroAmbrosano'
bridge = CvBridge()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Camera(object):
Utility class for converting between measures in the Field of View
def __init__(self):
# sx and sy denote the image size (px)
# note: not to be confused with the number of pixels per millimeter on the camera sensor.
self._calib_sx = 320
self._calib_sy = 240
# fx and fy denote the focal length (px)
# (physical focal length (mm) * pixel per mm on the sensor in axis x/y (px/mm))
# if the pixels are square (which we assume being the case) the two values are equivalent.
self._calib_fx = 160
self._calib_fy = 160
# cx and cy denote the pixel coordinates of the center pixel on the camera (px)
self._calib_cx = 160
self._calib_cy = 120
# cx, cy, fx and fy are published on the camera_info topic of the camera at the "K" entry.
# K denotes the camera matrix and is structured as follows
# | fx 0. cx |
# | 0. fy cy |
# | 0. 0. 1. |
self._curr_cx = self._curr_cy = None
self._curr_fx = self._curr_fy = None
self._curr_sx = self._curr_sy = None
self.set_image_size(320, 240)
[docs] def set_image_size(self, w, h):
Sets the image size
:param w: image's new width
:param h: image's new height
if w <= 0 or h <= 0:
return False
self._curr_sx = w
self._curr_sy = h
scale_x = float(self._curr_sx) / self._calib_sx
scale_y = float(self._curr_sy) / self._calib_sy
self._curr_fx = self._calib_fx * scale_x
self._curr_cx = self._calib_cx * scale_x
self._curr_fy = self._calib_fy * scale_y
self._curr_cy = self._calib_cy * scale_y
return True
[docs] def pixel2metric(self, u, v):
Converts a pixel coordinate on the image to a metric distance from its center.
:param u: the x coordinate (column) of the pixel (px)
:param v: the y coordinate (row) of the pixel (px)
:return: a pair (xm, ym) denoting the metric distance from the center of the image
(pure number)
return float(u - self._curr_cx) / self._curr_fx, float(v - self._curr_cy) / self._curr_fy
[docs] def metric2pixel(self, xm, ym):
Converts a metric distance from the image center to a pixel coordinate.
:param xm: the x distance from the center (pure number)
:param ym: the y distance from the center (pure number)
:return: a pair (u, v) denoting a pixel's coordinates (px)
return xm * self._curr_fx + self._curr_cx, ym * self._curr_fy + self._curr_cy
[docs] @staticmethod
def metric2angle(xm, ym):
Converts a metric distance from the image's center to an (azimuth, elevation) pair.
:param xm: the x distance from the center (pure number)
:param ym: the y distance from the center (pure number)
:return: a pair (a, e) denoting the azimuth and the elevation, the center being (0, 0)
_rho = math.sqrt(xm ** 2 + ym ** 2 + 1)
a = -math.atan(xm) * 180 / np.pi # azimuth
e = -math.asin(ym / _rho) * 180 / np.pi # elevation
return a, e
[docs] @staticmethod
def angle2metric(a, e):
Converts an (azimuth, elevation) pair to a metric distance from the image's center.
:param a: the azimuth angle from the image's center (deg)
:param e: the elevation angle from the image's center (deg)
:return: a pair (xm, ym) denoting the metric distance from the center of the image
(pure number)
xm = -math.tan(a * np.pi / 180)
ym = -math.tan(e * np.pi / 180) * math.sqrt(xm ** 2 + 1)
return xm, ym
[docs] def pixel2angle(self, u, v):
Converts a pixel coordinate on the image to an (azimuth, elevation) pair.
:param u: the x coordinate (column) of the pixel (px)
:param v: the y coordinate (row) of the pixel (px)
:return: a pair (a, e) denoting the azimuth and the elevation, the center being (0, 0)
xm, ym = self.pixel2metric(u, v)
a, e = Camera.metric2angle(xm, ym)
return a, e
[docs] def angle2pixel(self, a, e):
Converts an (azimuth, elevation) pair to a pixel coordinate on the image.
:param a: the azimuth angle from the image's center (deg)
:param e: the elevation angle from the image's center (deg)
:return: a pair (u, v) denoting a pixel's coordinates (px)
xm, ym = Camera.angle2metric(a, e)
u, v = self.metric2pixel(xm, ym)
return u, v
[docs] def pixel2norm(self, u, v):
Converts a pixel coordinate on the image to a normalized distance from its center.
:param u: the x coordinate (column) of the pixel (px)
:param v: the y coordinate (row) of the pixel (px)
:return: a pair (x, y) denoting the distance from the center of the image
(pure number in range [-1, 1] x [-1, 1])
x = 2 * u / self._curr_sx - 1
y = 2 * v / self._curr_sy - 1
return x, y
[docs] def norm2pixel(self, x, y):
Converts a normalized distance from the image's center to the corresponding pixel.
:param x: the x coordinate of the distance from the center (pure number in range [-1, 1])
:param y: the y coordinate of the distance from the center (pure number in range [-1, 1])
:return: a pair (u, v) denoting a pixel's coordinates (px)
u = self._curr_sx * (x + 1) / 2
v = self._curr_sy * (y + 1) / 2
return u, v
[docs] def norm2angle(self, x, y):
Converts a normalized distance from the image's center to the corresponding
(azimuth, elevation) pair.
:param x: the x coordinate of the distance from the center (pure number in range [-1, 1])
:param y: the y coordinate of the distance from the center (pure number in range [-1, 1])
:return: a pair (a, e) denoting the azimuth and the elevation, the center being (0, 0)
u, v = self.norm2pixel(x, y)
a, e = self.pixel2angle(u, v)
return a, e
[docs] def norm2metric(self, x, y):
Converts a normalized distance from the image's center to a metric distance from its center
:param x: the x coordinate of the distance from the center (pure number in range [-1, 1])
:param y: the y coordinate of the distance from the center (pure number in range [-1, 1])
:return: a pair (xm, ym) denoting the metric distance from the center of the image
(pure number)
u, v = self.norm2pixel(x, y)
xm, ym = self.pixel2metric(u, v)
return xm, ym
def height(self):
Gets the image's height (px)
return self._curr_sy
def width(self):
Gets the image's width (px)
return self._curr_sx
def cal_height(self):
Gets the image's height computed during calibration (px)
return self._calib_sy
def cal_width(self):
Gets the image's width computed during calibration (px)
return self._calib_sx
def fx(self):
Gets the image's x focal length (px)
return self._curr_fx
def fy(self):
Gets the image's y focal length (px)
return self._curr_fy
def cx(self):
Gets the image center's x coordinate (px)
return self._curr_cx
def cy(self):
Gets the image center's y coordinate (px)
return self._curr_cy
def cal_fx(self):
Gets the image's x focal length computed during calibration (px)
return self._calib_fx
def cal_fy(self):
Gets the image's y focal length computed during calibration (px)
return self._calib_fy
def cal_cx(self):
Gets the image center's x coordinate computed during calibration (px)
return self._calib_cx
def cal_cy(self):
Gets the image center's y coordinate computed during calibration (px)
return self._calib_cy
cam = Camera()
[docs]def find_centroid_hsv(image, lower, upper):
Finds the centroid of the pixels in an image lying in a given HSV slice.
:param image: A Gazebo ROS image (sensor_msgs.msg.Image)
:param lower: The lower value of the HSV slice we want to detect (a 3 elements int list with
values in range 0-255, refer to cv2 documentation for more details).
:param upper: The upper value of the HSV slice we want to detect (a 3 elements int list with
values in range 0-255, refer to cv2 documentation for more details).
:returns: a pair (x, y) denoting the image pixel where the centroid lies, or None if anything
goes wrong.
if isinstance(image, type(None)): # Problem: starts as NoneType
return None
img_in = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(image, "rgb8")
hsv_im = cv2.cvtColor(img_in, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)
lower_np = np.array(lower, dtype="uint8")
upper_np = np.array(upper, dtype="uint8")
mask = cv2.inRange(hsv_im, lower_np, upper_np)
img_out = cv2.bitwise_and(img_in, img_in, mask=mask)
a = cv2.findNonZero(cv2.cvtColor(img_out, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY))
# At least one point in the HSV slice is detected in the image
if a is not None and a.size != 0:
b = np.array(
[[float(x[0][0]) / (a.size / 2), float(x[0][1]) / (a.size / 2)] for x in a]
y_c, x_c = int(cv2.sumElems(b[1])[0]), int(cv2.sumElems(b[0])[0])
return x_c, y_c
return None
# pylint: disable=broad-except
except Exception as e:
logger.error("%s", str(e))
return None
[docs]def detect_red(image):
Performs a very simple image detection as used in the Braitenberg demo.
:param image: The image
:returns: An object with three properties:
- *left*: This is the percentage of red pixels in the left half of the image
- *right*: This is the percentage of red pixels in the right half of the image
- *go_on*: This is the percentage of non-red pixels of the overall image
:example: A completely red image (255,0,0) results in (1,1,0)
:example: A completely yellow image (255,255,0) results in (0,0,1)
The lightest color that is recognized as red is (255,127,127).
red_left = red_right = green_blue = 0
if not isinstance(image, type(None)):
lower_red = np.array([0, 30, 30])
upper_red = np.array([0, 255, 255])
cv_image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(image, "rgb8")
# Transform image to HSV (easier to detect colors).
hsv_image = cv2.cvtColor(cv_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)
# Create a mask where every non red pixel will be a Zero.
mask = cv2.inRange(hsv_image, lower_red, upper_red)
image_size = (cv_image.shape[0] * cv_image.shape[1])
if image_size > 0:
half = cv_image.shape[1] // 2
# Get the number of red pixels in the image.
red_left = cv2.countNonZero(mask[:, :half])
red_right = cv2.countNonZero(mask[:, half:])
green_blue = (image_size - (red_left + red_right)) / image_size
# We have to mutiply the rate by two since it is for an half image only.
red_left = 2 * (red_left / image_size)
red_right = 2 * (red_right / image_size)
class __results(object):
An intermediate helper class for the results of detect_red
def __init__(self, left, right, go_on):
self.left = left
self.right = right
self.go_on = go_on
return __results(red_left, red_right, green_blue)
[docs]def get_color_values(image, width=40, height=30):
Gets the color values of an image for use in the Braitenberg demo.
An incoming image is resized and then analyzed per pixel. All the red, green and blue values
of all pixels are returned as a result
:param image: The image
:returns: An object with the color channels of the image separated in two image halves, each
The lightest color that is recognized as red is (255,127,127).
# assert isinstance(image, sensor_msgs.msg.Image)
# pixel_values = np.zeros((30, 30, 3), np.float64)
half_width = int(width / 2)
width = int(width)
n = int(half_width * height)
red_left_rate = np.zeros(n)
green_left_rate = np.zeros(n)
blue_left_rate = np.zeros(n)
red_right_rate = np.zeros(n)
green_right_rate = np.zeros(n)
blue_right_rate = np.zeros(n)
if not isinstance(image, type(None)): # Problem: starts as NoneType
# print eye_sensor.changed
# load image in [0,1]
cv_image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(image, "rgb8") / 256.
# resize, then intensify values but keep in [0,1]
cv_image = cv2.resize(cv_image, (width, height))
cv_image = 5000 ** cv_image / 5000
red_left_rate = cv_image[:, 0:half_width, 0].flatten()
green_left_rate = cv_image[:, 0:half_width, 1].flatten()
blue_left_rate = cv_image[:, 0:half_width, 2].flatten()
red_right_rate = cv_image[:, half_width:width, 0].flatten()
green_right_rate = cv_image[:, half_width:width, 1].flatten()
blue_right_rate = cv_image[:, half_width:width, 2].flatten()
class __results(object):
An intermediate helper class for the results of detect_red
def __init__(self, left_red, left_green, left_blue, right_red, right_green, right_blue):
self.left_red = left_red
self.left_green = left_green
self.left_blue = left_blue
self.right_red = right_red
self.right_green = right_green
self.right_blue = right_blue
return __results(red_left_rate, green_left_rate, blue_left_rate, red_right_rate,
green_right_rate, blue_right_rate)
[docs]def getValueFromFloat64MultiArray(message, row, column, channel=0):
Gets the value at position (row, column, channel)
from a std_msgs/Float64MultiArray message containing a
bidimensional image.
:param message: The message containing the data
:param row: Row coordinate
:param column: Column coordinate
:param channel: Channel coordinate. Defaults to zero, it can be omitted.
:returns: The value at the specified coordinates.
#std_msgs/MultiArrayLayout layout
# std_msgs/MultiArrayDimension[] dim
# string label
# uint32 size
# uint32 stride
# uint32 data_offset
#float64[] data
layout = message.layout
dim1_stride, dim2_stride = layout.dim.stride[1], layout.dim.stride[2]
return message.data[layout.data_offset + (dim1_stride * row) + (dim2_stride * column) + channel]