Source code for hbp_nrp_cle.robotsim.RosCommunicationAdapter

# This file is part of the Neurorobotics Platform software
# Copyright (C) 2014,2015,2016,2017 Human Brain Project
# The Human Brain Project is a European Commission funded project
# in the frame of the Horizon2020 FET Flagship plan.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
Represents an implementation of the robot communication adapter actually
using ROS
from __future__ import division

from hbp_nrp_cle.robotsim.RobotInterface import IRobotCommunicationAdapter, \
    Topic, PreprocessedTopic, IRobotSubscribedTopic, IRobotPublishedTopic, \
    Service, IRobotServiceProxy
from hbp_nrp_cle.tf_framework._TransferFunctionManager import TransferFunctionManager
import rospy
import rosservice
import logging
import rosgraph.masterapi as master

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__author__ = 'GeorgHinkel'

# Receive buffer size for subscriber topics (in bytes). Same as ROS default.
# Queue size for subscriber topics.
# ROS docs suggest either 1 or None, the latter denoting an infinite queue.

# Queue size for publisher topics.

[docs]class RosCommunicationAdapter(IRobotCommunicationAdapter): """ Represents a robot communication adapter actually using ROS """
[docs] def get_topic_type(self, topic_name, update_when_miss=True): """ Gets the type for the given ROS topic :param topic_name: The name of the topic :param update_when_miss: If set, the function will try to update the cached topic types if the topic cannot be found """ for name, type_str in self.__topic_types: if name == topic_name: t = "?" mod = "?" try: mod, t = type_str.split('/') return getattr(__import__(mod).msg, t) except AttributeError: raise Exception("The type {0} is not present in package {1}".format(t, mod)) except ValueError: raise Exception("The format of the topic type {0} is not supported" .format(type_str)) if update_when_miss: self.__refresh_topic_types() return self.get_topic_type(topic_name, False) return None
def __init__(self): """ Create a new RosCommunicationAdapter """ IRobotCommunicationAdapter.__init__(self) self.__topic_types = [] self.__refresh_topic_types() def __refresh_topic_types(self): """ Updates the topic types """ m = master.Master('masterapi') self.__topic_types = m.getTopicTypes()
[docs] def initialize(self, name): """ Initializes this robot communication adapter :param name: The name of this node """ try: rospy.init_node(name)"Robot communication adapter initialized") except rospy.exceptions.ROSException: logger.warn("ROS node already initialized with another name")
[docs] def create_topic_publisher(self, topic, **config): """ Creates a publisher object for the given topic :param topic: The topic :param config: Additional configuration for the publisher :param queue_size: ROS Publisher queue_size parameter, please refer to ROS documentation :return: A publisher object """ if isinstance(topic, PreprocessedTopic): return RosPublishedPreprocessedTopic(topic, **config) elif isinstance(topic, str): topic_type = self.get_topic_type(topic) if topic_type is None: raise Exception("The type of topic {0} is unknown. Please specify it explicitly" .format(topic)) topic = Topic(topic, topic_type) return RosPublishedTopic(topic, **config)
[docs] def create_topic_subscriber(self, topic, **config): """ Creates the subscription object for the given topic :param topic: The topic :param config: Additional configuration for the subscriber :param queue_size: ROS Subscriber queue_size parameter, please refer to ROS documentation :param buff_size: ROS Subscriber buff_size parameter, please refer to ROS documentation :return: A subscription object """ if isinstance(topic, PreprocessedTopic): return RosSubscribedPreprocessedTopic(topic, config.get('initial_value', None), **config) elif isinstance(topic, str): topic_type = self.get_topic_type(topic) if topic_type is None: raise Exception("The type of topic {0} is unknown. Please specify it explicitly" .format(topic)) topic = Topic(topic, topic_type) return RosSubscribedTopic(topic, config.get('initial_value', None), **config)
[docs] def create_service_proxy(self, service, **config): """ Creates a service proxy object for the given service :param service: The service :param config: Additional configuration for the service proxy :return: A service proxy object """ return RosServiceProxy(service, **config)
@property def is_alive(self): # pylint: disable=R0201 """ Gets a value indicating whether the robot simulation is still alive """ return not rospy.is_shutdown()
[docs] def refresh_buffers(self, t): """ Resets the changed bit for all subscribers :param t: The world simulation time in milliseconds """ for subscriber in self.subscribed_topics: subscriber.reset_changed()
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ Closes any connections created by the adapter """ for publisher in self.published_topics: publisher._unregister() # pylint: disable=protected-access for subscriber in self.subscribed_topics: subscriber._unregister() # pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs]class RosPublishedTopic(IRobotPublishedTopic): """ Represents a robot topic publisher actually using ROS """ def __init__(self, topic, **config): """ Creates a new robot topic publisher :param topic: The topic where data should be sent to :param config: Additional configuration for the publisher :param **queue_size: ROS Publisher queue_size parameter, please refer to ROS documentation """ self.__lastSent = None assert isinstance(topic, Topic)"ROS publisher created: topic name = %s, topic type = %s",, topic.topic_type) self.__pub = rospy.Publisher(, topic.topic_type, queue_size=config.get('queue_size', DEFAULT_PUB_QUEUE_SIZE))
[docs] def send_message(self, value): """ Sends a message :param value: The message to be sent (the type must match the topic type) """ import struct def test_float(val): """ tests if it can be packaged as float. This operation is performed by ROS Publishers before publishing :param val: input float number """ if isinstance(val, float): try: struct.pack('<f', val) except OverflowError: return False return True try: state = [] for v in value.__getstate__(): # replaces v by maximum float which can be packaged. More info here: # state += [v if test_float(v) else 3.4e38] value.__setstate__(state) except AttributeError: value = value if test_float(value) else 3.4e38 # if value != self.__lastSent: if self.__pub is not None: self.__pub.publish(value) self.__lastSent = value logger.debug("ROS message published: topic value = %s", value) else: logger.error("Trying to publish messages on an unregistered topic")
def _unregister(self): """ Unregister the Topic. After this call, nobody can publish anymore. """ if self.__pub: self.__pub.unregister() self.__pub = None
[docs]class RosPublishedPreprocessedTopic(RosPublishedTopic): """ Represents a robot topic publisher actually using ROS """ def __init__(self, topic, **config): """ Creates a new robot topic publisher :param topic: The topic where data should be sent to :param config: Additional configuration for the subscriber """ super(RosPublishedPreprocessedTopic, self).__init__(topic, **config) assert isinstance(topic, PreprocessedTopic) self.__pre_processor = topic.pre_processor
[docs] def send_message(self, value): """ Sends a message :param value: The message to be sent """ to_send = self.__pre_processor(value) super(RosPublishedPreprocessedTopic, self).send_message(to_send)
[docs]class RosSubscribedTopic(IRobotSubscribedTopic): """ Represents a robot topic subscriber actually using ROS """ def __init__(self, topic, initial_value, **config): """ Initializes a new subscriber for the given topic :param topic: The topic that is subscribed :param initial_value: The initial value for the subscriber :param config: Additional configuration for the subscriber :param **queue_size: ROS Subscriber queue_size parameter, please refer to ROS documentation :param **buff_size: ROS Subscriber buff_size parameter, please refer to ROS documentation """ self.__changed = False self.__value = initial_value self.__tfs = [] assert isinstance(topic, Topic) self.__subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(, topic.topic_type, self._callback, queue_size=config.get('queue_size', DEFAULT_SUB_QUEUE_SIZE), buff_size=config.get('buff_size', DEFAULT_SUB_BUFFER_SIZE))"ROS subscriber created: topic name = %s, topic type = %s",, topic.topic_type)
[docs] def register_tf_trigger(self, tf): """ Registers to trigger the provided TF in case a new value appears :param tf: The transfer function """ if tf not in self.__tfs: self.__tfs.append(tf)
def _callback(self, data): """ This method is called whenever new data is available from ROS :param data: The incoming data on this topic """ logger.debug("ROS subscriber callback") self.__changed = True self.__value = data t = rospy.get_time() for tf in self.__tfs: TransferFunctionManager.run_tf(tf, t) @property def changed(self): """ Indicates whether the current value of this subscriber has changed since the last iteration """ return self.__changed
[docs] def reset_changed(self): """ Resets the changed status of the current subscriber """ self.__changed = False
@property def value(self): """ Gets the last value received by this ROS subscribed topic """ return self.__value
[docs] def reset(self, transfer_function_manager): """ Gets a reset subscriber :param transfer_function_manager: The transfer function manager in which the subscribed topic is contained """ self.reset_changed() self.__value = None return self
def _unregister(self): """ Detaches the subscribed topic from ROS """ if self.__subscriber: self.__subscriber.unregister() self.__subscriber = None
[docs]class RosSubscribedPreprocessedTopic(RosSubscribedTopic): """ Represents a robot topic subscriber with a preprocessor """ def __init__(self, topic, initial_value, **config): """ Creates a new preprocessing topic subscriber :param topic: The topic that is subscribed :param initial_value: The initial value for the subscriber :param config: Additional configuration for the subscriber """ super(RosSubscribedPreprocessedTopic, self).__init__(topic, initial_value, **config) assert isinstance(topic, PreprocessedTopic) self.__pre_processor = topic.pre_processor def _callback(self, data): """ This method is called whenever new data is available from ROS :param data: The incoming data """ pre_processed = self.__pre_processor(data) super(RosSubscribedPreprocessedTopic, self)._callback(pre_processed)
[docs]class RosServiceProxy(IRobotServiceProxy): """ Represents a robot service proxy actually using ROS """ def __init__(self, service, initial_response=None, persistent=False, headers=None): """ Initializes a new service proxy for the given service :param service: The service that is requested :param initial_response: The initial value of the service proxy response :param persistent: Persistence of Service. Look at rospy.ServiceProxy documentation for details :param headers: Service headers. Look at rospy.ServiceProxy documentation for details """ self.__response_value = initial_response self.__request_args = [] self.__request_kwargs = {} assert isinstance(service, Service) services = rosservice.get_service_list() if not in services: raise Exception("Service {} not available".format( self.__service_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy(, service.service_type, persistent=persistent, headers=headers)"ROS service responder created: service name = %s, service type = %s",, service.service_type) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Calling the RosServiceProxy returns the service response""" if args or kwargs: self.set_request_args(*args, **kwargs) return self.update_value()
[docs] def set_request_args(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Update service proxy request arguments """ self.__request_args = args self.__request_kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def update_value(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Update service response value :return: Returns Service Response """ if args or kwargs: self.set_request_args(*args, **kwargs) if self.__service_proxy is not None: self.__response_value = \*self.__request_args, **self.__request_kwargs) return self.__response_value else: logger.error("Trying to send request on an unavailable service") return None
@property def value(self): """ Gets the last value received by this ROS subscribed service """ return self.__response_value
[docs] def reset(self, transfer_function_manager): """ Gets a reset subscriber :param transfer_function_manager: The transfer function manager in which the subscribed service is contained """ self.__response_value = None return self
def _unregister(self): """ Detaches the service """ if self.__service_proxy is not None: self.__service_proxy.close() self.__service_proxy = None