Source code for hbp_nrp_cle.robotsim.RobotInterface

# This file is part of the Neurorobotics Platform software
# Copyright (C) 2014,2015,2016,2017 Human Brain Project
# The Human Brain Project is a European Commission funded project
# in the frame of the Horizon2020 FET Flagship plan.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
This module represents the interfaces for the robot (world) simulation both in terms of data
exchange and control of the simulation
from builtins import object

__author__ = 'GeorgHinkel'

# pylint: disable=W0613

[docs]class Service(object): """ Represents a reference to a robot service """ def __init__(self, name, service_type): # -> None: """ Create a new robot type reference :param name: the name of the service :param service_type: the type of the service """ self.__name = name self.__type = service_type @property def name(self): # -> str: """ Gets the name of the service """ return self.__name @property def service_type(self): # -> type: """ Gets the type of the service """ return self.__type def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover return self.__name + " : " + self.__type.__name__
[docs]class Topic(object): """ Represents a reference to a robot topic """ def __init__(self, name, topic_type): # -> None: """ Create a new robot type reference :param name: the name of the topic :param topic_type: the type of the topic """ self.__name = name self.__type = topic_type @property def name(self): # -> str: """ Gets the name of the topic """ return self.__name @property def topic_type(self): # -> type: """ Gets the type of the topic """ return self.__type def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover return self.__name + " : " + self.__type.__name__
[docs]class PreprocessedTopic(Topic): """ Represents a topic where pre-processing is applied to """ def __init__(self, name, topic_type, pre_processing): """ Creates a new pre-processing topic :param name: The name of the topic :param topic_type: The topic type :param pre_processing: The pre-processing function """ super(PreprocessedTopic, self).__init__(name, topic_type) self.__pre_processing = pre_processing @property def pre_processor(self): # -> func """ Gets the pre_processor """ return self.__pre_processing def _unregister(self): """ INTERNAL USE ONLY: this should never be directly invoked by a user. Unregister the Topic. After this call, nobody can publish or receive messages anymore. """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs]class IRobotPublishedTopic(object): # pragma: no cover """ Represents a communication object for a published robot topic """
[docs] def send_message(self, value): # -> None: """ Send a message to the robot topic represented by this instance :param value: The message to be sent to the robot """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs] def reset(self, transfer_function_manager): """ Resets the published topic :param transfer_function_manager: The transfer function manager the publisher belongs to :return: The reset adapter """ return self
def _unregister(self): """ INTERNAL USE ONLY: this should never be directly invoked by a user. Unregister the Topic. After this call, nobody can publish. """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs]class IRobotSubscribedTopic(object): # pragma: no cover """ Represents a communication object for a subscribed robot topic """ @property def changed(self): # -> bool: """ Gets a value indicating whether the value of the subscribed topic has changed since the last time step """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation") @property def value(self): # -> object: """ Gets the current value of the subscribed topic """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs] def reset(self, transfer_function_manager): """ Resets the subscribed topic :param transfer_function_manager: The transfer function manager the subscriber belongs to :return: The reset adapter """ return self
def _unregister(self): """ INTERNAL USE ONLY: this should never be directly invoked by a user. Unregister the Topic. After this call, nobody can receive messages anymore. """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs]class IRobotServiceProxy(object): # pragma: no cover """ Represents a communication object for a service proxy """
[docs] def set_request_args(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Set the request call arguments """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs] def update_value(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Call service and update response value """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
@property def value(self): # -> object: """ Gets the current value of the service response """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs] def reset(self, transfer_function_manager): """ Resets the service proxy :param transfer_function_manager: The transfer function manager the service proxy belongs to :return: The reset adapter """ return self
def _unregister(self): """ INTERNAL USE ONLY: this should never be directly invoked by a user. Unregister the Service. After this call, nobody can use the service proxy anymore. """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs]class IRobotCommunicationAdapter(object): # pragma: no cover """ Represents the communication adapter to the robot """ def __init__(self): # -> None: self.__published_topics = [] self.__subscribed_topics = [] self.__service_proxies = [] @property def published_topics(self): # -> list: """ Gets the published topics for the robot communication adapter :return: A hash table of the communication adapters published topics """ return self.__published_topics @property def subscribed_topics(self): # -> list: """ Gets the subscribed topics for the robot communication adapter :return: A hash table of the communication adapters subscribed topics """ return self.__subscribed_topics @property def service_proxies(self): # -> list: """ Gets the service proxies for the robot communication adapter :return: A hash table of the communication adapters service responses """ return self.__service_proxies
[docs] def register_subscribe_topic(self, topic, **kwargs): # -> IRobotSubscribedTopic: """ Requests a subscription object for the given topic :param topic: The topic that should be subscribed :param kwargs: Additional configuration parameters :return: A subscription object that holds the current data """ subscriber = self.create_topic_subscriber(topic, **kwargs) self.__subscribed_topics.append(subscriber) return subscriber
[docs] def unregister_subscribe_topic(self, topic): """ Unregisters and removes the given subscriber topic object. :param topic: The IRobotSubscribedTopic to unregister. """ topic._unregister() # pylint: disable=protected-access if topic in self.__subscribed_topics: self.__subscribed_topics.remove(topic)
[docs] def register_publish_topic(self, topic, **kwargs): # -> IRobotPublishedTopic: """ Requests a publisher object for the given topic :param topic: The topic for which to create a publisher :param kwargs: Additional configuration parameters :return: A publisher communication object """ publisher = self.create_topic_publisher(topic, **kwargs) self.__published_topics.append(publisher) return publisher
[docs] def unregister_publish_topic(self, topic): """ Unregisters and removes the given publisher topic object. :param topic: The IRobotPublishedTopic to unregister. """ topic._unregister() # pylint: disable=protected-access if topic in self.__published_topics: self.__published_topics.remove(topic)
[docs] def register_service_proxy(self, service, **kwargs): # -> IRobotServiceProxy: """ Requests a proxy object for the given service :param service: The service to which a proxy should be established :param kwargs: Additional configuration parameters :return: A responder object that holds the current data """ service_proxy = self.create_service_proxy(service, **kwargs) self.__service_proxies.append(service_proxy) return service_proxy
[docs] def unregister_service_proxies(self, service_proxy): """ Unregisters and removes the given service proxy object. :param service_proxy: The IRobotServiceProxy to unregister. """ service_proxy._unregister() # pylint: disable=protected-access if service_proxy in self.__service_proxies: self.__service_proxies.remove(service_proxy)
[docs] def create_topic_subscriber(self, topic, **config): # -> IRobotSubscribedTopic: """ Creates the subscription object for the given topic :param topic: The topic :param config: Additional configuration for the subscriber :return: A subscription object """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs] def create_topic_publisher(self, topic, **config): # -> IRobotPublishedTopic: """ Creates a publisher object for the given topic :param topic: The topic :param config: Additional configuration for the publisher :return: A publisher object """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs] def create_service_proxy(self, service, **config): # -> IRobotServiceProxy: """ Creates a service proxy object for the given service :param service: The Service :param config: Additional configuration for the service proxy :return: A service proxy object """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs] def initialize(self, name): # -> None: """ Initializes the robot adapter :param name: The name of the node """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs] def refresh_buffers(self, t): # -> None: """ Refreshes the subscribed topic buffers for the given simulation time :param t: The simulation time """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ Closes any connections created by the adapter """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs]class IRobotControlAdapter(object): # pragma: no cover """ Represents a control adapter for the world simulation """ @property def is_alive(self): # -> bool: """ Queries the current status of the world simulation :return: True, if the world simulation is alive, otherwise False """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation") @property def is_paused(self): # -> bool: """ Queries the current status of the physics simulation :return: True, if the physics simulation is paused, otherwise False """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs] def initialize(self): # -> None: """ Initializes the world simulation control adapter """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs] def run_step(self, dt): # -> float64: """ Runs the world simulation for the given CLE time step in seconds :param dt: The CLE time step in seconds :return: Updated simulation time, otherwise -1 """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs] def run_step_async(self, dt): # -> Future: """ Runs the world simulation for the given CLE time step in seconds in an asynchronous manner. :param dt: The CLE time step in seconds :return: a Future for the result or potential exceptions of the execution """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs] def shutdown(self): # -> None: """ Shuts down the world simulation """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
@property def time_step(self): # -> float64: """ Gets the physics simulation time step in seconds :param dt: The physics simulation time step in seconds :return: The physics simulation time step in seconds """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs] def set_time_step(self, time_step): # -> Bool: """ Sets the physics simulation time step in seconds :param dt: The physics simulation time step in seconds :return: True, if the physics simulation time step is updated, otherwise False """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs] def set_robots(self, robots): """ Sets the list of robots """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs] def reset(self): # -> None: """ Resets the physics simulation """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")
[docs] def reset_world(self, models, lights): # -> None: """ Resets the world excluding the robot :param models: A dictionary containing pairs model_name: model_sdf. :param lights: A dictionary containing pairs light_name: light sdf. """ raise NotImplementedError("This method was not implemented in the concrete implementation")