Source code for hbp_nrp_cle.brainsim.pynn.H5PyNNBrainLoader

# This file is part of the Neurorobotics Platform software
# Copyright (C) 2014,2015,2016,2017 Human Brain Project
# The Human Brain Project is a European Commission funded project
# in the frame of the Horizon2020 FET Flagship plan.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
Load a brain network
from __future__ import division

from builtins import range
from builtins import object
from past.utils import old_div

__author__ = "Lorenzo Vannucci"
import numpy as np

from progressbar import ProgressBar, Percentage, Bar, ETA
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger("BrainLoader")
__brain_index = 0

# pylint: disable=R0914
# the variables are reasonable in this case
[docs]def load_pointneuron_circuit(h5_filename, sim, neuron_ids=None, synapse_model='TsodyksMarkramMechanism'): # pragma: no cover """Loads the h5 point-neuron circuit into PyNN. The result dictionary will contain a set of PyNN neurons that are correctly connected together. .. WARNING:: The output NEST neurons will be of type 'aeif_cond_exp' and will have the default NEST parameters. The dictionary that is returned by this function will contains a set of better parameter that can be used (mtype, a, b, V_th, Delta_T, C_m, g_L, V_reset, tau_w, t_ref, V_peak, E_L, E_ex, E_in, excitatory). .. WARNING:: If the input file has been collapsed using 'convert_h5_to_collapsed_h5', collapsed need to be set to True. The synapse model will then be forced to 'quantal_stp_synapse'. .. WARNING:: This function will not reset NEST kernel. GIDs of NEST neurons and bluepy neurons might be different. :param str h5_filename: Name of the h5 datafile. :param sim: The simulator module :param neuron_ids: The list of neurons ids for which connection will be done (inbetween them and also from them to the others. This can be feed for example with the results of the :func:`get_target` function from bluepy.) :type neuron_ids: list of ids :param str synapse_model: Specifies the synapse model that will be used. """ import h5py'Opening h5 datafile "%s" ... ', h5_filename) h5file = h5py.File(h5_filename, 'r') slist = list(range(1, len(h5file["x"].value) + 1)) if neuron_ids is not None: slist = neuron_ids id_max = max(slist) cells = sim.Population(id_max, sim.EIF_cond_alpha_isfa_ista()) # AdEx pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=['Loading model', Percentage(), Bar(), ETA()], maxval=len(slist)).start() if synapse_model == 'TsodyksMarkramMechanism': synapse_type = sim.TsodyksMarkramSynapse() i = 0 for i, gid_ in enumerate(slist): pbar.update(i) if "syn_" + str(gid_) in h5file: r_syns = h5file["syn_" + str(gid_)].value ids_that_are_in = np.nonzero(np.in1d(r_syns[0], slist))[0] # The default is to connect it using 5 parameters given below with # the method provided. However if the method provided has different # parameters you need to add a new elif a few lines below with the # synapse specific parameters synapse_parameters = \ {"weight": np.float64(r_syns[2][ids_that_are_in]) * 1e-3, "delay": np.float64(r_syns[1][ids_that_are_in]), 'U': np.float64(r_syns[3][ids_that_are_in]), 'tau_rec': np.float64(r_syns[4][ids_that_are_in]), 'tau_facil': np.float64(r_syns[5][ids_that_are_in]), "target": np.float64(r_syns[0][ids_that_are_in])} if len(ids_that_are_in) == 1: pre = i post = synapse_parameters["target"] - 1 conn_list = np.array([[pre, post, np.abs(synapse_parameters["weight"]), synapse_parameters["delay"]]]) else: pre = np.ones(len(synapse_parameters["target"])) * i post = synapse_parameters["target"] - 1 conn_list = np.array([pre, post, np.abs(synapse_parameters["weight"]), synapse_parameters["delay"]]).T connector = sim.FromListConnector(conn_list) if h5file["excitatory"][i] > 100: proj = sim.Projection(cells, cells, connector=connector, synapse_type=synapse_type, receptor_type='excitatory') else: proj = sim.Projection(cells, cells, connector=connector, synapse_type=synapse_type, receptor_type='inhibitory') proj.set(U=synapse_parameters['U']) proj.set(tau_rec=synapse_parameters['tau_rec']) proj.set(tau_facil=synapse_parameters['tau_facil']) circuit = { "population": cells, "x": np.float64(h5file["x"].value[np.array(slist) - 1]), "y": np.float64(h5file["y"].value[np.array(slist) - 1]), "z": np.float64(h5file["z"].value[np.array(slist) - 1]), "layer": np.int16(h5file["layer"].value[np.array(slist) - 1]), "mtype": h5file["mtype"].value[np.array(slist) - 1], "a": np.float64(h5file["a"].value[np.array(slist) - 1]), "b": np.float64(h5file["b"].value[np.array(slist) - 1]), "V_th": np.float64(h5file["V_th"].value[np.array(slist) - 1]), "Delta_T": np.float64(h5file["Delta_T"].value[np.array(slist) - 1]), "C_m": np.float64(h5file["C_m"].value[np.array(slist) - 1]), "g_L": np.float64(h5file["g_L"].value[np.array(slist) - 1]), "V_reset": np.float64(h5file["V_reset"].value[np.array(slist) - 1]), "tau_w": np.float64(h5file["tau_w"].value[np.array(slist) - 1]), "t_ref": np.float64(h5file["t_ref"].value[np.array(slist) - 1]), "V_peak": np.float64(h5file["V_peak"].value[np.array(slist) - 1]), "E_L": np.float64(h5file["E_L"].value[np.array(slist) - 1]), "E_ex": np.float64(h5file["E_ex"].value[np.array(slist) - 1]), "E_in": np.float64(h5file["E_in"].value[np.array(slist) - 1]), "excitatory": h5file["excitatory"].value[np.array(slist) - 1] } # This is temporary. While the synaptic decay time constants are given # for each synapse in the h5 file, NEST can only set 2 time constants # per neuron in a simulation. Thus, the averages of the synaptic values # had to be taken for both excitatory and inhibitory neurons. As the # previous default NEST values where tau_syn_ex=0.2ms and tau_syn_in=2.0ms, # this scales up the weights, as the total amount of charges flowing # through a synapse into the neuron is proportional to this time constant. if "tau_syn_E" in h5file: circuit["tau_syn_E"] = \ np.float64(h5file["tau_syn_E"].value[np.array(slist) - 1]) else: circuit["tau_syn_E"] = np.array([1.8 for i in slist], dtype=np.float64) if "tau_syn_I" in h5file: circuit["tau_syn_I"] = \ np.float64(h5file["tau_syn_I"].value[np.array(slist) - 1]) else: circuit["tau_syn_I"] = np.array([8.0 for i in slist], dtype=np.float64) return circuit
[docs]def load_h5_network(path, sim, **populations): # pragma: no cover """ Load a h5 brain network file. :param path: path to the .h5 file. :param sim: The simulator module """ # Load point neuron circuit circuit = load_pointneuron_circuit(path, sim) population = circuit['population'] # AdEx parameters are set population.set(a=circuit["a"]) # nS population.set(b=circuit["b"] * 1e-3) # pA -> nA population.set(v_thresh=circuit["V_th"]) population.set(delta_T=circuit["Delta_T"]) population.set(cm=circuit["C_m"] * 1e-3) # pF -> nF population.set(tau_m=old_div(circuit["C_m"], circuit["g_L"])) population.set(v_reset=circuit["V_reset"]) population.set(tau_w=circuit["tau_w"]) population.set(tau_refrac=circuit["t_ref"]) population.set(v_spike=circuit["V_peak"]) population.set(v_rest=circuit["E_L"]) population.set(e_rev_E=circuit["E_ex"]) population.set(e_rev_I=circuit["E_in"]) population.set(tau_syn_E=circuit["tau_syn_E"]) population.set(tau_syn_I=circuit["tau_syn_I"]) sim.initialize(population, v=population.get('v_rest')) brain = Brain(population) for p in populations: neurons = sim.PopulationView(population, populations[p]) neurons.label = p brain.__dict__[p] = neurons return brain
[docs]class Brain(object): """ Represents a simple model of a generic brain. """ def __init__(self, circuit): self.__circuit = circuit @property def circuit(self): # pragma: no cover """ Gets the circuit brain region """ return self.__circuit