.. _virtual-pypi: .. sectionauthor:: Viktor Vorobev .. seealso:: :ref:`User manual` / :ref:`Tutorials` / :ref:`Developer pages` Stand-alone installation ======================== The Virtual Coach is packed and published to PyPi repository. The official releases can be found `here `_ and you can install it as .. code-block:: bash pip3 install pynrp The intermediate packages are stored in internal PyPi repository with developer-only access. One requires the username and the password for the developers Nexus server to get them. The following command will help to install the specific version .. code-block:: bash pip3 install pynrp== --index-url https://:@nexus.neurorobotics.ebrains.eu/repository/nrp-pypi/simple/ --trusted-host nexus.neurorobotics.ebrains.eu --use-deprecated=legacy-resolver where * :code:`` is your Nexus username; * :code:`` is your Nexus password; * :code:`` is a package version, that is determined as :code:`git describe --tags --always` of your commit. You can browse the available versions `here `_.