.. _running-backend: Running the Backend =================== .. todo:: Add author/responsible Running on a local machine -------------------------- This is a step-by-step description for running the backend for the case that **the backend is locally installed on developer a machine**. 1. Make sure you installed everything according to :ref:`installation` 2. Start the required software components such as ``roscore``, the backend server and the ``gazebo`` server. This can all be done using the ``runbackend`` script as decribed in :ref:`installation` or manually by: a. Start a roscore: .. code-block:: bash roscore b. Start the backend server (in a different terminal window): .. code-block:: bash python $HBP/ExDBackend/hbp_nrp_backend/hbp_nrp_backend/runserver.py This will start the backend server running on If you wish to run the server on another port, you have to provide another argument .. code-block:: bash python $HBP/ExDBackend/hbp_nrp_backend/hbp_nrp_backend/runserver.py 9000 c. Start the ROSCLESimulationFactory, a ROS service needed by the backend to start an instance of the CLE .. code-block:: bash python $HBP/CLE/hbp_nrp_cle/hbp_nrp_cle/cle/ROSCLESimulationFactory.py d. Start the Gazebo server. Be careful that our patched Gazebo plugin is loaded instead of the default one. .. code-block:: bash source $HBP/GazeboRosPackages/devel/setup.bash rosrun gazebo_ros gzserver e. Start a Gazebo client if you wish to view the results on your machine (not required when using the Frontend) .. code-block:: bash rosrun gazebo_ros gzclient f. Load an experiment. The experiment configuration is the path to your experiment relative to $NRP_MODELS_DIRECTORY or your current folder if the first is not set .. code-block:: bash curl -X POST -d '{"experimentID":"cloned_experiment_id"}' Building the documentation -------------------------- .. note:: The following options are available only for the core developers, who has writing access rights to the repositories and installed the NRP in developer mode: :code:`NRP_INSTALL_MODE=dev`. General documentation and Python API ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The documentation and Python API (the pages you are currently reading) is created and can be read by calling .. code-block:: bash cd $EXDB/doc make html firefox build/html/index.html Swagger API ^^^^^^^^^^^ `Swagger `_ is a standard to documenting services offered by restful application server. The documentation is available once the server is running (see :ref:`running-backend`) under this `address `_. Running the unit test on a local machine ---------------------------------------------------- .. note:: The following options are available only for the core developers, who has writing access rights to the repositories and installed the NRP in developer mode: :code:`NRP_INSTALL_MODE=dev`. After downloading :ref:`installation` of the NRP and its components, you can run linting checks of the NRP Backend and related modules. In order to run linter-check, there is a dedicated script :code:`verify.sh`: .. code-block:: bash cd $HBP/ExDBackend ./verify.sh #make sure it is executable In order to tests, there is a dedicated script :code:`run_tests.sh`: .. code-block:: bash cd $HBP/ExDBackend ./run_tests.sh #make sure it is executable