hbp_nrp_simserver.server.nrp_core_wrapper module

A Wrapper for NrpCore clients instances making it amenable to be controlled interactively. It adds cooperative execution via thread synchronization and checks on simulation timeouts

exception hbp_nrp_simserver.server.nrp_core_wrapper.NRPSimulationTimeout[source]

Bases: Exception

Raised by NrpCoreWrapped.run_loop when as simulation timeout has been reached

exception hbp_nrp_simserver.server.nrp_core_wrapper.NRPStopExecution[source]

Bases: Exception

Raised by NrpCoreWrapped.run_loop when called in a stopped state

class hbp_nrp_simserver.server.nrp_core_wrapper.NrpCoreWrapper(nrp_core_class: Type[nrp_client.NrpCore], sim_id: str, exp_config_file: str, exp_config: types.SimpleNamespace, paused_event: threading.Event, stopped_event: threading.Event)[source]

Bases: object

property max_timesteps

return: configured timeout / configured timestep as int

property real_time

” :return: The wall-clock elapsed execution time in secs as a float

run_loop(num_iterations: int = 1, json_data: Optional[str] = None) → Optional[dict][source]

Ask to advance the simulation of num_iterations timesteps.

In the case such number of iterations will result in the timeout being reached, an NRPSimulationTimeout exception will be raised; the simulation won’t be advanced.

See nrp_client.NrpCore.run_loop for further details.

  • NRPSimulationTimeout – if running for num_iterations will exceed the configured simulation timeout (i.e. curr_timestep + num_iterations > max_timestep)

  • NRPStopExecution – when stopped_event is set.


same as NrpCore.run_loop, i.e any JSON data passed in the response or None

property simulation_time

” :return: the simulation time in seconds as a float

property simulation_time_remaining

” :return: the simulation time remaining until the configured timeout in seconds as a float
