Installation from Source


Currently, only Ubuntu 20.04 is officially supported for the NRP installation from source.

Pre-installation Steps

  1. Set the HBP folder:

export HBP=~/NRP4

Add this variable to your .bashrc for persistence:

echo "export HBP=~/NRP4" >> ~/.bashrc
  1. Ensure the HBP folder exists:

mkdir -p "${HBP}"
  1. Install Nginx and HAProxy:

sudo apt-get install nginx-extras lua-cjson haproxy
sudo systemctl disable haproxy.service
sudo service haproxy stop
sudo service nginx stop
  1. Install nvm and Node versions 8 & 14:

curl -o- | bash
source ~/.bashrc
nvm install 8
nvm install 14
  1. Clone nrp-user-scripts repository (for the last stable version use master branch, for the development version use development branch):

cd "${HBP}"
git clone -b master
  1. Clone nrp-backend, nrp-proxy, nrp-frontend, nrp-core repositories using nrp-user-scripts or do it manually:

cd ${HBP}/nrp-user-scripts
  1. Install NRP-Core. Refer to the NRP-Core Installation instructions.


The proper installation of the NRP-Core is essential for the functioning of the NRP source installation.

Configuration and Building

  1. Add required paths to PYTHONPATH:

export PYTHONPATH="${NRP_INSTALL_DIR}"/lib/python3.8/site-packages:"${PYTHONPATH}"
export PYTHONPATH="${NRP_DEPS_INSTALL_DIR}"/lib/python3.8/site-packages:"${PYTHONPATH}"

For persistence, you can also add it to .bashrc.

  1. Clean old storage or set a non-default STORAGE_PATH in ${HBP}/nrp-user-scripts/nrp_variables.

  2. Source nrp_variables from nrp-user-scripts:

cd "${HBP}"/nrp-user-scripts
source nrp_variables


Temporarily remove it when the need of rebuilding nrp-core arises (e.g. when developing the latter).

  1. Configure NRP:

  1. Update NRP with build option:

./update_nrp build
  1. Add default user to the database (if not added before):

bash ./configure_storage_database
  1. Source nrp_aliases:

source nrp_aliases
  1. Run NRP reverse proxies:

  1. Start the MQTT broker (using the mosquitto Docker broker or another of your choice, ensuring the proper ports are open):

docker run -d -p 1883:1883 -p 9001:9001 -p 8883:8883 -v $HBP/nrp-user-scripts/config_files/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf:/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf eclipse-mosquitto
  1. Start NRP:



  • Once everything is set up, the frontend should be accessible at http://localhost:9000.