.. index:: pair: class; NRPException .. _doxid-class_n_r_p_exception: class NRPException ================== .. toctree:: :hidden: Overview ~~~~~~~~ Base :ref:`NRPException ` class. :ref:`More...` .. ref-code-block:: cpp :class: doxyrest-overview-code-block #include class NRPException: public exception { public: // construction template :target:`NRPException`(T&& msg, bool msgLogged = false); // methods template static void :target:`logOnce`( EXCEPTION& exception, :ref:`NRPLogger::spdlog_out_fcn_t` spdlogCall = :ref:`NRPLogger::critical` ); template static EXCEPTION :target:`logCreate`( LOG_EXCEPTION_T& exception, const std::string& msg, :ref:`NRPLogger::spdlog_out_fcn_t` spdlogCall = :ref:`NRPLogger::critical` ); template static EXCEPTION :ref:`logCreate`( const std::string& msg, :ref:`NRPLogger::spdlog_out_fcn_t` spdlogCall = :ref:`NRPLogger::critical` ); static void :target:`logCreate`( const std::string& msg, :ref:`NRPLogger::spdlog_out_fcn_t` spdlogCall ); const char* :target:`what`() const; }; // direct descendants class :ref:`NRPExceptionNonRecoverable`; class :ref:`NRPExceptionRecoverable`; .. _details-class_n_r_p_exception: Detailed Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Base :ref:`NRPException ` class. Methods ------- .. index:: pair: function; logCreate .. _doxid-class_n_r_p_exception_1abe5487fcfaf3f125f3c43446890c4915: .. ref-code-block:: cpp :class: doxyrest-title-code-block template static EXCEPTION logCreate( const std::string& msg, :ref:`NRPLogger::spdlog_out_fcn_t` spdlogCall = :ref:`NRPLogger::critical` ) Logs the given message to the output, then returns EXCEPTION type. .. rubric:: Parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 * - EXCEPTION - Exception type to return * - msg - Message to log and put into thrown exception * - spdlogCall - spdlog function to call for logging