Source code for hbp_nrp_simserver.server.nrp_script_runner

# This file is part of the Neurorobotics Platform software
# Copyright (C) 2014,2015,2016,2017 Human Brain Project
# The Human Brain Project is a European Commission funded project
# in the frame of the Horizon2020 FET Flagship plan.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
This module contains the start script of a state machine process
# avoid circular import when using typing annotations PEP563
# use "import module.submodule as subm" and subm.Class
from __future__ import annotations

import ast
import contextlib
import logging
import os
import sys
import threading
import traceback
from typing import Optional, Callable, List

import hbp_nrp_simserver.server as simserver
import hbp_nrp_simserver.server.experiment_configuration as exp_conf
import hbp_nrp_simserver.server.nrp_core_wrapper as nrp_core_wrapper
from hbp_nrp_simserver.server.nrp_core_wrapper import NRPSimulationTimeout, NRPStopExecution

from hbp_nrp_commons import set_up_logger

__author__ = 'NRP software team, Ugo Albanese'

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

NRP_CORE_MODULES_NAMES = ["nrp_core, nrp_client"]

# maximum waiting time in secs for the joining of the main user script thread
MAX_STOP_TIMEOUT: float = 20.

[docs]class NRPScriptRunner: """ Executes nrp-core experiments "main script" as a python script. The script execution can be started, paused and stopped. The script is expected to use the injected 'nrp' handler (an instance of :class:`.NrpCoreWrapper`) and call its run_loop method until a :class:`.NRPSimulationTimeout` is raised. """ def __init__(self, sim_settings: simserver.SimulationSettings, exp_config: exp_conf.type_class, publish_error: Callable[..., None]): """ :param sim_settings: the settings of the running simulation :param exp_config: A parsed experiment configuration with attribute-accessible elements (e.g. experiment_configuration.type_class) :param publish_error: a function for error publishing """ self.sim_settings = sim_settings self.exp_config = exp_config self._publish_error = publish_error self.script_path: str = sim_settings.main_script_file self.sim_id: str = sim_settings.sim_id self.script_source: str = "" # instance of a wrapped nrp_core client, created in self.initialize() self.__nrp_core_wrapped: Optional[nrp_core_wrapper.NrpCoreWrapper] = None self.__exec_thread: Optional[threading.Thread] = None # started event: signals __exec_thread to start # set in start() cleared in pause() self.__exec_started_event: threading.Event = threading.Event() # stopped event: signals __exec_thread to stop # set once in stop(), never cleared self.__exec_stopped_event: threading.Event = threading.Event() # one-shot. Never cleared # set up logger for the script to use self.__script_logger: logging.Logger = self._set_up_script_logger() def _set_up_script_logger(self) -> logging.Logger: """ Sets the script logger up. Scripts will be able to log to the log file named script_file_name.log Default level is DEBUG, it can be changed from the script. Log messages won't be propagated to the parent loggers (likely outputting to STOUT). :return: The script logger set up as described above. """ script_file_name, _ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.script_path)) script_logger = set_up_logger(name=f"{__name__}.{script_file_name}", logfile_name=f"{script_file_name}_{self.sim_id}.log", log_format=None, # TODO script logger format? level=logging.DEBUG) # don't propagate to parent loggers (i.e. write only in the log file) script_logger.propagate = False return script_logger @property def simulation_time_remaining(self) -> float: return self.__nrp_core_wrapped.simulation_time_remaining if self.is_initialized else 0. @property def simulation_time(self) -> float: return self.__nrp_core_wrapped.simulation_time if self.is_initialized else 0. @property def real_time(self) -> float: return self.__nrp_core_wrapped.real_time if self.is_initialized else 0. @property def is_initialized(self) -> bool: return self.__nrp_core_wrapped is not None
[docs] def initialize(self) -> None: """ Initialize the script runner: - read the script - initialize the (wrapped) nrp_core client Any initialization error from nrp_core client will be raised. It gets called by whatever component is controlling the simulation (i.e. a :class:`.SimulationServerLifecycle`) :raises IOError: when the script can't be read from the file system :raises SyntaxError: when the script code has such an error """ # called by lifecycle initialize method"Loading '%s' code. Simulation ID '%s'", self.script_path, self.sim_id) self.script_source = self.__validate_script_syntax(self.__read_script_source()) try: # initialize nrp_core_wrapper.NrpCoreWrapper instance # any nrp_core client issue with initialization will raise self.__nrp_core_wrapped = \ nrp_core_wrapper.NrpCoreWrapper(simserver.NrpCoreClientClass, self.sim_id, self.sim_settings.exp_config_file, self.exp_config, self.__exec_started_event, self.__exec_stopped_event) self.__nrp_core_wrapped._initialize() except Exception as e: # pylint:disable=broad-except self._publish_error(msg=f"Error initializing nrp_core client. Check logs. " f"Simulation ID {self.sim_id}: {str(e)}", error_type="Loading") raise
def __read_script_source(self) -> str: try: with open(self.script_path) as f: return except IOError as e: # pylint:disable=broad-except self._publish_error(msg=f"Error loading main script : {str(e)}", error_type="Loading") raise def __validate_script_syntax(self, script_source) -> str: """ :return: script_source if valid, raises otherwise :raise: SyntaxError if script_source fail syntax analysis """ try: # TODO script_source can be anything. how to check its validity as a NrpCore script? ast.parse(script_source) # check syntax except SyntaxError as e: self._publish_error(msg=f"SyntaxError in (Line {e.lineno}): {str(e)}", error_type="Compile", line_number=e.lineno, offset=e.offset, line_text=e.text) raise else: return script_source def __execute_script(self, completed_callback: Callable[[], None] = lambda: None) -> None: """ Executes the user script in a new global environment in which self.__nrp_core_wrapped is bound to a variable named 'nrp'. In case of any error raised by the execution of self.script_source, an error message is sent using self._publish_error. The function waits on self.__exec_stopped_event being set, i.e. when the script runner (self) is requested to stop the execution calling self.stop() """ # pylint: disable=broad-except"[ID {self.sim_id}] Executing main script") # NOTE Add here any name that should be available to the running script script_global_env = {"NRPSimulationTimeout": NRPSimulationTimeout, "nrp": self.__nrp_core_wrapped, "file_logger": self.__script_logger, "logging": logging } try: with self._hide_modules(NRP_CORE_MODULES_NAMES): exec(self.script_source, script_global_env) except (AttributeError, NameError, SyntaxError) as e: try: cl, _value, tb = sys.exc_info() error_class = f"{cl.__name__}" error_frame = traceback.extract_tb(tb)[-1] self._publish_error(msg=f"{error_class} in main script (Line {error_frame.lineno}): {str(e)}", error_type="Compile", line_number=error_frame.lineno, line_text=error_frame.line) finally: del tb # as recommended in the docs except NRPStopExecution: # The script execution has been stopped before its natural termination # It's been requested, so it's not an error, don't publish"Exiting main script thread. Simulation ID '%s'", self.sim_id) except NRPSimulationTimeout as e:"%s. Simulation ID '%s'", str(e), self.sim_id) self._publish_error(msg=str(e), error_type="SimTimeout") except Exception as e: logger.exception("%s. Simulation ID '%s'", str(e), self.sim_id) self._publish_error(msg=str(e), error_type="Runtime") finally: # main script execution completed completed_callback()
[docs] def start(self, completed_callback: Callable[[], None] = lambda: None) -> None: """ Starts the script. :param completed_callback: A callable to be called when the main script has terminated its execution. """ if not self.is_initialized: logger.debug("No initialized yet. Can't start. " "Simulation ID '%s'", self.sim_id) return"Starting main script. Simulation ID '%s'", self.sim_id) self.__exec_started_event.set() if self.__exec_thread is None or not self.__exec_thread.is_alive(): self.__exec_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__execute_script, args=(completed_callback,), daemon=True, name="MainScriptThread") self.__exec_thread.start() else: logger.debug("Another script is running. Can't start." "Simulation ID '%s'", self.sim_id)
[docs] def pause(self) -> None: """ Pauses the script execution. """"Pausing main script. Simulation ID '%s'", self.sim_id) self.__exec_started_event.clear()
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """ Stops the script execution. """"Stopping main script. Simulation ID '%s'", self.sim_id) if self.__exec_thread is not None: self.__exec_stopped_event.set() logger.debug("Waiting main script thread. Simulation ID '%s'", self.sim_id) self.__exec_thread.join(MAX_STOP_TIMEOUT) # NOTE Waiting point if self.__exec_thread.is_alive(): logger.warning(f"Couldn't stop main script thread. after {MAX_STOP_TIMEOUT=} secs" f" Simulation ID '%s'", self.sim_id) else: logger.debug("Main script thread joined. Simulation ID '%s'", self.sim_id)
[docs] def shutdown(self) -> None:"Shutdown main script. Simulation ID '%s'", self.sim_id) try: if not self.is_initialized: logger.debug("Trying to shut NrpCore down twice. Ignoring. " "Simulation ID '%s'", self.sim_id) return self.__nrp_core_wrapped._shutdown() self.__nrp_core_wrapped = None except Exception as e: logger.warning("NrpCore shutdown has thrown '%s'." " Simulation ID '%s'", str(e), self.sim_id) raise
@contextlib.contextmanager def _hide_modules(self, hide_list: List[str]): """ Remove modules in hide_list from the sys.modules so to prevent accidental imports. It won't stop a motivated user though, for example, here is a workaround: import sys del sys.modules['module_name'] import module_name """ hidden_modules = {module_name: sys.modules[module_name] for module_name in hide_list if module_name in sys.modules} # delete modules from sys.modules for h_m_name in hidden_modules.keys(): del sys.modules[h_m_name] try: yield # nothing to yield except Exception: raise # propagate exceptions finally: sys.modules.update(hidden_modules)