Source code for hbp_nrp_backend.simulation_control.simulation

# This file is part of the Neurorobotics Platform software
# Copyright (C) 2014,2015,2016,2017 Human Brain Project
# The Human Brain Project is a European Commission funded project
# in the frame of the Horizon2020 FET Flagship plan.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
This module contains the simulation class
# avoid circular import when using typing annotations PEP563
# use "import module.submodule as subm" and subm.Class
from __future__ import annotations

__author__ = 'NRP software team, Georg Hinkel'

import datetime
import logging
from typing import Optional
from flask_restful import fields

from hbp_nrp_commons.simulation_lifecycle import SimulationLifecycle
import hbp_nrp_simserver.server.simulation_server_instance as simserver

from . import timezone
from . import sim_id_type
from .backend_simulation_lifecycle import BackendSimulationLifecycle
from hbp_nrp_commons.workspace.settings import Settings

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Simulation: """ The class modelling simulations """ DEFAULT_EXP_CONF: str = "simulation_config.json" # same as in nrpStorageServer DEFAULT_MAIN_SCRIPT: str = "" DEFAULT_STATE: str = 'created' DEFAULT_PRIVATE: bool = True # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, sim_id: sim_id_type, experiment_id: str, owner: str, experiment_configuration: str = DEFAULT_EXP_CONF, main_script: str = DEFAULT_MAIN_SCRIPT, state: str = DEFAULT_STATE, private: bool = DEFAULT_PRIVATE, ctx_id: str = None, token: Optional[str] = None): """ Creates a new simulation :param sim_id: The simulation id :param experiment_id: The experiment ID of the experiment to be run :param owner: The name of the user owning the simulation :param experiment_configuration: (optional) The path to the experiment configuration file :param main_script: (optional) The path to the main_script_path file :param state: (optional) The initial state ('created' by default) :param private: (optional) A flag for private simulations (True by default) :param ctx_id: (optional) the request context id (collab) :param token: (optional) the request token """ # NOTE # Add more fields for any other simulation-related info that the frontend might need. # (e.g. URLs of backend-created resources/services) # Add them to resource_fields too self.__owner = owner self.__sim_id = sim_id self.__experiment_id = experiment_id self.__experiment_configuration = experiment_configuration self.__main_script = main_script self.__creation_datetime: datetime.datetime = self.__private = private self.__token = token self.__ctx_id = ctx_id # use mqtt_topics_prefix specified in workspace.Settings via Env Var. # # NOTE Currently, it's the same for every simulation of this backend. # It could be changed, in case the need arises: just use the value passed as argument. self.__mqtt_topics_prefix = Settings.mqtt_topics_prefix # simulation_server created during initialization in Lifecycle self.__simulation_server_instance: Optional[simserver.SimulationServerInstance] = None self.__lifecycle: SimulationLifecycle = BackendSimulationLifecycle(self, state) @property def simulation_server(self) -> simserver.SimulationServerInstance: """ :return: The simulation server instance. Might be None if Simulation hasn't been initialized """ return self.__simulation_server_instance @simulation_server.setter def simulation_server(self, new_value: simserver.SimulationServerInstance) -> None: """ Sets the simulation server instance """ self.__simulation_server_instance = new_value @property def main_script(self) -> str: """ :return: The simulation main script """ return self.__main_script @property def token(self) -> Optional[str]: """ :return: the authorization token """ return self.__token @token.setter def token(self, new_value: Optional[str]) -> None: """ Sets the token :param new_value: The new token """ self.__token = new_value @property def ctx_id(self) -> Optional[str]: """ :return: the context ID of the simulation (collab) """ return self.__ctx_id @property def sim_id(self) -> str: """ Gets the simulation ID """ return self.__sim_id @property def owner(self) -> str: """ The owner of this simulation :return: The owner name """ return self.__owner @property def creation_datetime(self) -> datetime.datetime: """ The creation datetime of this simulation :return: The creation datetime """ return self.__creation_datetime @property def creation_date(self) -> str: """ The creation date of this simulation :return: The creation date """ return self.__creation_datetime.isoformat() @property def experiment_id(self) -> str: """ :return: The experiment ID used to create the experiment """ return self.__experiment_id @property def experiment_configuration(self) -> str: """ The name of the experiment configuration file of the simulation :return: The name of the experiment configuration file of the simulation """ return self.__experiment_configuration @property def private(self) -> bool: """ Defines whether the simulation is based on a private experiment :return: A boolean defining whether the sim is private """ return self.__private @property def lifecycle(self) -> SimulationLifecycle: """ Gets the lifecycle of this simulation :return: The lifecycle instance """ return self.__lifecycle @property def state(self) -> str: """ Gets the state of the simulation :return: The state of the simulation as a string """ return self.__lifecycle.state @state.setter def state(self, new_state: str) -> None: """ Sets the simulation in a new state :param new_state: The new state """ self.__lifecycle.accept_command(new_state) @property def mqtt_topics_prefix(self) -> str: """ Gets the prefix to any MQTT topic name of this simulation :return: the prefix to any MQTT topic name of this simulation """ return self.__mqtt_topics_prefix # for use with marshal or marshal_with resource_fields = { 'state': fields.String(attribute='state'), 'simulationID': fields.Integer(attribute='sim_id'), # NOTE change in case of new sim_id type 'experimentConfiguration': fields.String(attribute='experiment_configuration'), 'mainScript': fields.String(attribute='main_script'), 'owner': fields.String(attribute='owner'), 'creationDate': fields.String(attribute=lambda x: x.creation_date), 'experimentID': fields.String(attribute='experiment_id'), 'ctxId': fields.String(attribute='ctx_id'), 'MQTTPrefix': fields.String(attribute='mqtt_topics_prefix'), } required = ['state', 'experimentConfiguration', 'owner', 'experimentID'] required_request_fields = ["experimentID"]