Source code for hbp_nrp_backend.rest_server

This package contains the implementation of the REST server to control experiments

__author__ = 'NRP software team, Georg Hinkel, Ugo Albanese'

from flask import Flask
from flask_restful import Api

[docs]def docstring_parameter(*sub): """ Helper functions to include variables in docstrings using the @docstring_parameter decorator :param sub: List of variables to be included in the docstring. """ def dec(obj): """ Reformat docstring with variables. """ try: obj.__doc__ = obj.__doc__.format(*sub) except IndexError as e: raise IndexError( f"No match in templated docstring of {obj.__module__}.{obj.__name__}") from e return obj return dec
[docs]class NRPServicesExtendedApi(Api): """ Extend Flask Restful error handling mechanism so that we can still use original Flask error handlers (defined in """
[docs] def error_router(self, original_handler, e): """ Route the error :param original_handler: Flask handler :param e: Error """ return original_handler(e)
[docs]class ErrorMessages: """ Definition of error strings """ SERVER_ERROR_500 = "The query failed due to an internal server error" SIMULATION_NOT_FOUND_404 = "The simulation with the given ID was not found" OPERATION_INVALID_IN_CURRENT_STATE_403 = "The operation is forbidden while the simulation is " \ "in its current state" SIMULATION_PERMISSION_401_VIEW = "Insufficient permissions to see the simulation changes. " \ "You can only see the simulations you own or those for which " \ "the experiment has been shared with you" SIMULATION_PERMISSION_401 = "Insufficient permissions to apply changes. Operation only allowed" \ " by simulation owner" SIMULATION_RETRIEVED_200 = "Simulation retrieved successfully" SIMULATIONS_RETRIEVED_200 = "Simulations retrieved successfully" SIMULATION_CREATED_201 = "Simulation created successfully" SIMULATION_ANOTHER_RUNNING_409 = "Another simulation is already running on the server" INVALID_STATE_TRANSITION_400 = "The state transition is invalid" STATE_APPLIED_200 = "Success. The new state has been correctly applied" STATE_RETRIEVED_200 = "Success. The simulation state has been retrieved" VERSIONS_RETRIEVED_200 = "Success. Components versions has been retrieved"
app = Flask(__name__, static_folder='') api = NRPServicesExtendedApi(app) # Import REST APIs # pylint: disable=W0401 # importing the class will install the handlers import hbp_nrp_backend.rest_server.__ErrorHandlers from .__SimulationControl import SimulationControl from .__SimulationService import SimulationService from .__SimulationState import SimulationState from .__Version import Version # Register /simulation api.add_resource(SimulationService, '/simulation') # NOTE change in case of new sim_id type api.add_resource(SimulationControl, '/simulation/<int:sim_id>') api.add_resource(SimulationState, '/simulation/<int:sim_id>/state') # Register /version api.add_resource(Version, '/version')